TNCC: Cool stuff at National Geographic

TNCC: Cool stuff at National Geographic

by Kris Holstrom

We have so much going on it’s hard to determine where to click for information and ideas. In the old days when print dominated the media landscape National Geographic Magazine was a standout. The incredible photography, fascinating subjects and universal reach brought the world to our mailbox.

While I still get and enjoy the paper copy of the magazine I’ve discovered the on-line National Geographic has resources galore. On a recent trip I had a bit of spare time and discovered one of their games I thought quite interesting. It’s called Plan It Green – and it’s a scaled down version of a simulation game where you can make decisions that affect your town – decisions from what kind of energy to promote and use to what kind of businesses might make a downtown area thrive.

I’m also taking an on-line class through the International Society of Sustainability Professionals. One of the resources listed was the Earth Pulse section of the National Geographic website.  They call it a “visual guide to Global Trends”. Visit to see what I mean. Want to know about Europe’s growing appetite for organic food? You can see which countries are leading the way regarding the percentage of their cropland that is growing organically.

From that page you can also access The Green Guide. They used to publish this in a magazine format, but now it is only available online. Great information, great ideas and well worth a click or two to get there. The Sustainable Agriculture pages have info and articles on everything from how do we feed 6 billion people to the joys of community supported agriculture. Not to be missed.

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