Telluride Inside… and Out at one year

Telluride Inside… and Out at one year

IMG_0615 Telluride Inside… and Out is just past our first birthday and we felt it was time to a look backward to get an idea if we had done what we set out to do in August, 2008. In that look over our collective shoulder, mostly we are proud of what we have created.

The concept was to build a platform to talk about the Telluride lifestyle; the people who live here; what they do when here; what they do when they leave our high mountain valley; the artists, musicians, filmmakers, visitors who come here and enrich our lives. In short: Telluride, inside and out.

IMG_0258 Looking back over the past 13 months, I believe we have made a good start on our plan. There is much more to do, because Telluride folks and the people who come here are active, many of them visible on the world stage, in so many different fields.

But Telluride is also about just appreciating our little Eden, so TIO has endeavored to show the day-to-day life: the hikes out the back door, the torchlight parades on the mountain at holiday time, the wonderful events available at the Wilkinson Public Library, cross country skiing on a full moon night on the San Miguel valley floor. We have tried to highlight the work of local artists, writers, musicians.

IMGP0403 This is also a good time to celebrate the contributors to TIO who believed in this project and supported it by putting their work on our electronic pages: Cynthia Zehm, Art Goodtimes, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, Kris Holstrom, Kristin Holbrook, Eileen Burns, Ted Hoff, Susanna Hoffman, Susannah Smith and others. And thank you to the local and the larger community for your continued support and encouragement. You make the work worthwhile.

Look back with us through the archived articles over the past year. And if you have things in mind that might improve the TIO experience, let us know: our inbox is always open. Mostly, we hope you enjoy Telluride Inside… and Out. Back to the future…

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