
University Centers of the San Miguel and Rotary Club of Telluride are excited to announce a collaboration. The start-up is a new Mobile GED Testing Center Project for all interested regional residents 16 years and older within the San Miguel River watershed. UCSM is very grateful...

[caption id="attachment_36641" align="alignright" width="300"] Three friends taking self portrait with smartphone, from Huff Post Healthy Living.[/caption] What's out there in the cyber world today may be too many pics of – you! Are you selfie-obsessed? I found this article in the Huff Post Healthy Living that...

A colleague asked me if I was going to stay in Telluride for the holidays. I looked at her dumbfounded. “Telluride is the only place I want to be for Christmas,” I replied. Reflecting on the past 25 years, I can only think of two...

Everyone has an idea of what makes the perfect holiday tree. For some, it’s the quintessential blue spruce, tall, full, perfectly shaped and dressed. Others like the Charlie Brown variety, a few scraggly limbs and an awkward tilt, the tree that most needs love. And...

The week before Thanksgiving, we received an email from Pamela Zoline, co-founder of the Telluride Institute, inviting us to the annual Bridal Veil Living Classroom gathering to hear presentations by the eight students who participated in the program in 2013. The event is scheduled for Monday,...

[caption id="attachment_36296" align="alignright" width="201"] Telluride's Ski Mountain Opens[/caption] There are several reasons to love this time of year in Telluride. The opening of the Telluride Ski Mountain, especially on a year with so much snow, reinvigorates families and friends. It’s as if subconsciously, we’ve all been...

"What we’re really talking about is a wonderful day set aside on the fourth Thursday of November when no one diets. I mean, why else would they call it Thanksgiving?" Erma Bombeck In a letter to his daughter, Ben Franklin proposed the turkey for the official...

[caption id="attachment_36193" align="alignright" width="300"] Halloween Pumpkin, from Huff Post Healthy Living[/caption] I am a fairly regular reader of the Huffington Post and all its babies, such as Huff Post Healthy Living. This article about the (upcoming) traditional Thanksgiving food orgy caught my eye. It was not...

[caption id="attachment_36145" align="alignright" width="200"] Photograph of President Truman receiving a Thanksgiving turkey from members of the Poultry and Egg National Board and other representatives of the turkey industry, outside the White House., 11/16/1949Harry S. Truman Library[National Archives Identifier 200138][/caption]With snow fall comes the holiday season...

There are the obvious things one can be thankful for in Telluride. The beauty of elk grazing on the valley floor, wispy clouds playing hide-n-seek amongst the mountaintops, and of course, early-season snow. But, in the cracks and crevices of our valley’s magnificent geographic features,...