
If Facebook ‘likes” are a measure of my parenting coolness, then most indicators show I’m a pretty cool mom. A picture of my seven-year-old, Mollie, jumping off a dock with her cousins – 31 likes. My four-year-old, Belle, euphorically jumping in a puddle in the...

Asking Regional Residents to Complete Health Survey The Tri-County Health Network (TCHNetwork, a nonprofit comprised of regional health care providers, is working to better understand the health needs of the region. Over the next five weeks, TCHNetwork ‘s Outreach Team will be canvassing the communities of...

“Being an advocate is one of the most rewarding things I have done in my time in Telluride, but in addition, the skills I learned in advocate training have been as useful in my daily life as they are for advocate work. You'll find yourself...

It was a busy summer for the Pinhead Institute.  I now have a lovely insect collection (picture attached), courtesy of my 12-year-old son Wiley and his fabulous Pinhead Bug Camp counselor Chris Anderson, a former Pinhead intern who returned to teach classes for us this summer. But it's not all about me. [caption...

A long time ago and far away, say, in the halcyon (not really) days of the 1950s and 1960s, summer meant road trips, day camp, and ice cream. Labor Day is fast approaching and with the long weekend (that includes the Telluride Film Festival), the start...

    The end of summer always feels too abrupt. I’m never ready for the transition to cooler temperatures and shorter, busier days, but this time it’s going to be an even bigger adjustment: my oldest child will be starting kindergarten. I’m not sure she’s ready. I’m not...

The project was the brainchild of the Chief Paramedic of the Telluride Fire Protection District, Emil Sante, who enlisted the help of writer-producer Susan Lilly and documentary filmmaker Ken Bailey. The Telluride Fire Protection District produced a PSA (Public Service Announcement) about CPR and AEDs to...

It may be children’s theater, but the Telluride Academy’s Mudd Butt Mystery Theatre Troupe has never shied away from the deep issues that confront the human condition. [caption id="attachment_43818" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Clay, Sally & Kim, putting this year’s Mudd Butts script together[/caption] Playfully woven into an often wacky story...

This spring, when the winter snow melted off the trails and I got back on my bike, I felt happy. It wasn’t contentment or fulfillment ---or some hard earned new age happiness that one can only achieve though practicing mindfulness or gratitude. Instead, it...