14 Dec Pinhead Institute Gets New 3D Printer: Upcoming Class
Holiday-inspired kids’ classes and more to be offered this winter
The Pinhead Institute is pleased to announce the arrival of its new Ultimaker II 3D printer, and with it, upcoming kid’s classes in jewelry- and ornament-making just right for gift-giving during the holiday season.
“I’m so excited that our new 3D printer has arrived just in time for the holidays as we’re going to be offering jewelry and ornament making classes for kids,” said Pinhead’s Executive Director, Sarah Holbrooke. “We’re particularly looking forward to getting more girls involved in computers and coding once they learn that they can use this printer to create the objects they envision just by using their own ideas and a little math.”
Three experienced Pinhead volunteers are already working up programs for the printer, which can make solid, three-dimensional objects from digital files. The purchase of the printer was made possible through generous community support.
“I’m so thankful for this community’s huge outpouring of financial support during Pinhead’s Intern Presentation Night at the Sheridan Opera House in October,” said Holbrooke. “We raised $50,000 that night and as I said then, my first purchase would be a 3D printer. And now Pinhead has one!”
A second 3D Printing: Jewelry and Christmas Ornaments in Time for the Holidays will be offered at Pinhead Headquarters on Saturday, December 20 and Sunday, December 21, 2014, 10 a.m.- 1 p.m or 4 p.m.- 7 p.m. Cost is $100 per session, which includes materials and a final product. Tuition assistance is available(Ages 11 and up.)
For more information or to register for this and other Pinhead Institute programs please visit www.pinheadinstitute.org or call 970-369-5190.
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