
Telluride's Sheridan Arts Foundation’s Young People’s Theater kicks off its 24th season with the middle school production of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast Jr. The performance is directed by Leah Heidenreich and stars 28 middle school children in grades 6-8. The happening is live at...

Performances of the Telluride Choral Society’s WinterSing 2022 take place Friday, December 9, 7:00 p.m and Sunday, December 11, 4:00 p.m. at Christ Church. Tickets are $20 for adults; $10 for children at the door. Go here for more about the Telluride Choral Society and WinterSings past. Go here for more about Hal...

Joanna Spindler is the Adult Programs Specialist at Telluride's Wilkinson Public Library. She is also Poet Laureate, San Miguel County. You know how it can be with all the family gathered together over the holidays. One wrong move, one smart (read snarky) remark and someone leaves...

Thanksgiving marks the start of the holiday season. But given a divided nation and a war in Ukraine, times they a tryin' – even without your parents breaking out the photos from your awkward years, even minus the inevitable food coma – or the sadness...

As Americans gather for our annual Thanksgiving feast, many are sharpening their rhetorical knives while others are preparing to bury their heads in the mashed potatoes. Still others - like not-regular-enough contributor David Feela –  find reasons, however quirky, to be grateful. As follows...

With increasingly cold  weather and the holidays bearing down upon us, it may be hard to find reasons to be grateful, especially when immersed in the seething cauldron of over-the-top behavior that defines family gatherings - or, for that matter, the daily headlines: knives are...

While catching our breath in Brooklyn there was still one more play on deck: Tom Stoppard's "Leopoldstadt."  Go here for more on TIO doings in New York. And scroll down to watch the trailer for the play. "Leopoldstadt" is playwright Tom Stoppard’s latest work. According to the author,...