16 May Town of Telluride: Barricade Passes Mailed to Owners of Telluride Residential Property!
Town of Telluride announces Telluride barricade passes mailed to owners of Telluride residential property.
Vehicular entry through Town barricade for Telluride Bluegrass Festival requires barricade, county, or temporary pass.
Barricade passes are available through Wednesday, June 14 at 4:30 pm.
To learn more about Town of Telluride barricade passes, please visit bit.ly/totbarricade.
For questions regarding the 2023 Telluride Bluegrass Festival barricade or barricade passes, please contact the Telluride Parks & Recreation Department by calling (970) 728-2173 or email parksandrec@telluride-co.gov.
Go here for more about the Town of Telluride.
Go here for more about Telluride Bluegrass.
The Town of Telluride Parks & Recreation Department will distribute two 2023 Town of Telluride barricade passes to all owners of residential property in the Town of Telluride through direct mail. A barricade will be set up near the entrance to the Town of Telluride from Wednesday, June 14 at 4 pm through Sunday, June 18 at midnight for the Telluride Bluegrass Festival.
The following vehicles will be allowed through the barricade and allowed to park on Town property:
• Vehicles displaying a current San Miguel County Seal windshield sticker (issued by the County Clerk and Recorder’s Office)
• Commercial vehicles
• Motorcycles
• Vehicles displaying Persons with Disabilities placards or license plates
• Vehicles displaying a 2023 Barricade Pass (issued by the Telluride Parks & Recreation
• Vehicles displaying a 3-hour Temporary Pass (issued at the barricade)
Town of Telluride residents who do not have a San Miguel County Seal windshield sticker or have not received a 2023 barricade pass in the mail should:
1. Register their car with San Miguel County online at www.mydmv.colorado.gov or in- person at 305 W Colorado Ave, 1st Floor at the County Clerk & Recorders Office.
–a. Replacement County seal windshield stickers can also be requested at the County Clerk & Recorders Office for vehicles already registered in San Miguel County.
2. Visit the Parks & Recreation office with a photo ID and proof of residency at a physical address (i.e. rental agreement, utility bill, tax statement, or otherwise).
3. Town of Telluride Rental Housing tenants living in Shandoka, Virginia Placer or Sunnyside can visit the Telluride Housing Office to obtain barricade passes.
Town of Telluride business license holders with employees or guests with vehicles registered outside of San Miguel County, please click the relevant link below to complete the appropriate request form:
• Business and Contractor Employee Pass Request Form
• Accommodations and Property Management Guest Pass Request Form
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