
The 2014 Community Grant Applications are now available on line, and are due Monday, October 27th at 5 p.m.   Please go to the Telluride Foundation’s website, Community Grants Page, for everything you need to complete a 2014 application, including: 1)  2014 Grant Guidelines 2)  Link to electronic 2014 Grant...

All proceeds from One to One’s Top Chef event this Friday go to support unique mentoring programs in the region. Presented by Alpine Bank. Get your tickets here or call 970-728-0885. Twenty years ago, in 1994, the One to One Mentoring Program started working with just...

Go to Leo Kottke’s website: the “Tour Schedule” page is written in reverse type against a black background and features an armadillo  – an animal with a leathery armored shell. (Is there a metaphor and/or big hint lurking in the image?) There you will learn...

Telluride Foundation plans celebration for Kristin on Wednesday, Sept. 24, at Arroyo Wine Bar  [caption id="attachment_44197" align="aligncenter" width="337"] Kristin,Kevin, Brady & Leighton Holbrook[/caption] The Telluride Foundation’s Board of Directors held its bi-annual meeting on July 3, 2014 where it selected Kristin Holbrook, as the 2014 Outstanding Citizen of the Year.  The...

It’s the bag she’s in. When the Telluride Foundation announced that Kristin Holbrook of Two Skirts as the 2014 Outstanding Citizen of the Year, the press release cited “her unwavering commitment to volunteerism, community service, and philanthropic giving.”  The nomination came from then co-director of the  San...

Telluride Theatre’s “Bread & Circus,” is an original play by artistic director Sasha Sullivan in collaboration with the cast & crew. Curtain, 8:00 pm, August 17-22, in the Hotel Madeline ballroom. Free, though a $15 donation is greatly appreciated. To become a member (and get prime seats...

Tenor Alan Glassman has thrilled audiences throughout America and Europe for decades with his vibrant timbre and committed interpretations of major operatic roles. A regular at New York’s Metropolitan Opera, Glassman triumphed in 2004 as Herod in a new production of “Salome" starring Karita Mattila. He has since...

"Ragged Chuck Berry grooves and punk-country riffs are topped by frontman John Joseph McCauley III's Winston-stained howls about alcoholics, gold-digging women and poverty-stricken couples who can't foot their bills," Rolling Stone about Deer Tick An uber-hip band returns to the Telluride region – or should I...