Telluride Med Center: New Year, New Beginnings!

Telluride Med Center: New Year, New Beginnings!

Did you promise yourself that 2023 would be the year you finally prioritized your well-being? Or maybe you’re hoping to reach a specific health goal like competing in a triathlon or eating a plant-based diet. Whatever your resolutions for the New Year are, the team at Telluride Regional Medical Center (TRMC) is here to support you. 

A great first step on any health journey is taking the time to meet with your primary care provider for your annual preventive health visit.  Start your year off right! Schedule your appointment by calling 970-728-3848.

Go here for more on the Telluride Med Center.

The following is a note from Dr. Anna Turner.

Dr. Anna Turner, MD, Primary Care, Telluride Medical Center.

Benefits of starting early

Scheduling your appointment now gets an important health priority on your calendar before the year passes you by. It also gives you more time to follow up on health or medical needs of concern to you or your doctor.

Your preventive visit, often described as a wellness check, will give you a clear picture of your current health at the start of the year. You can also set goals for health issues that can be addressed through diet, exercise or lifestyle changes. Depending on the plan, a preventive visit may even help you save money on your health insurance premium. You can schedule an appointment by calling 970-728-3848.

What to expect during your preventive visit

If you’ve never visited TRMC for an annual preventive health visit, here’s what you can expect:

Your provider will review your medications and medical conditions with you. They will discuss your family history to assess your risk for certain conditions, including cancers. They will ask about your diet, activity level and exercise routine, and the vitamins and supplements you take. You and your doctor can discuss needed lab work, or lab results if you have already had lab work completed. For older patients, your provider will evaluate your fall risk and touch base on advanced care planning and healthcare directives. Your annual preventive visit is also an ideal time for a skin check.

During the visit, your provider will go over recommended preventive health screenings based on your age, gender or risk factors. For example, we may recommend a colonoscopy, a mammogram, a pap smear, a prostate exam or a bone density scan. Or, for someone with a history of heavy smoking, we may recommend lung cancer screening. Screenings are an important preventive step you can take to protect your health.

During the appointment, you can talk about how you are feeling about your overall physical and mental health. We are seeing more and more patients lately – from preteens to adults to seniors – who are struggling with anxiety and depression. Your annual visit is a good time to check in on how you are doing. If you need additional support, we can connect you with someone who can help.

There is a lot to cover during an annual preventive exam. If you have a specific health concern or problem, or if you are experiencing pain, such as in a joint, you should schedule a separate appointment. You can schedule an appointment by calling 970-728-3848.

Better health can take time

It can take time to change bad habits or to develop new healthier ones. Perhaps you already know you need to quit smoking or to reduce your alcohol intake. You might already be planning to get more active or join an exercise or fitness class. Maybe you have a goal of losing weight or starting a healthier diet.

Don’t put off your annual preventive visit. Your health may suffer if you postpone. Let us provide the information and support you need to help you meet your goals in a safe and healthy way.


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