07 May Med Center: 10 Beats with 2 Star Nurses to Celebrate National Nurses Week!
National Nurses Week continues through Wednesday, May 12. It’s a time to honor the commitment, dedication, and hard work of those in the nursing profession. Get to know two star nurses at the Telluride Med Center – Heidi Hoff, BSN, RN and Margaret Kane RN, BSN, CEN, TCRN – in the new feature “Ten Beats With …” column.
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1. Why nursing? And was there ever a moment where it looked like you were going to grow up to be something else entirely?
HH: I didn’t decide to return to school for nursing until I was 28 or 29. I had worked my way through a variety of service industry jobs in Telluride including -barista, river guide, ski patrol and restaurant work. I was looking for a career that would fulfill me and allow me to help others. My mother was a primary care doctor and I always loved the idea of working in medicine, but feared I was not capable.
MK: I recently found something I had written in second grade saying I wanted to be a pediatric nurse when I grow up, I think I always knew I wanted to do something to help people. In high school I took a class in health occupations and shadowed a paramedic firefighter and a pediatric nurse. I made the decision in high school to go the nurse route, which led me to emergency nursing, a perfect mix of paramedic firefighter and nurse.
2. Most challenging aspect of being a nurse?
HH: It never ends.
MK: Working with people and figuring out their personalities, in the short amount of time I’m with them.
3. Where does your motivation for this work come from?
HH: I care about the health and wellness of this community
MK: I enjoy helping people.
4. How do you recharge?
HH: Getting outside whether it be skiing, biking, hiking or picnicking! Connecting with friends. Sewing!
MK: Spending time with my family and enjoying this beautiful place we call home.
5. Is there a theme song for nursing today, in this fifth season of Pandemic?
MK: Don’t stop, Don’t give up! Sung by a little girl on YouTube : )
6. Do you have a motto?
MK: Be kind. Another one fitting for nursing is, Hang in there!, I hung a poster of a cat hanging on a rope with this motto on it in the ED nurse station closet for my fellow nurses. It’s a good reminder that this is temporary.
7. Where will your next vacation be?
HH: Currently visiting family which is a cup filler for me, next vacay needs to be to water. Submerging myself in water is the ultimate refresh for me. I grew up in Seattle among lakes, sounds and the oceans and regular swimming.
MK: Washington State
8. Any good habits you picked up in the last year?
HH: Life slowed down because of COVID and because of having a newborn. This allowed me more time to focus on things that I’ve wanted to make time for but never prioritized. I got back into sewing, mostly making baby clothes for my daughter out of my old clothes… I spent time everyday working out and focusing on my own health.
MK: Wearing a mask.
Any bad habits?
HH: I still eat lots of chocolate!
MK: Being too judgmental, working on that one.
9. What lunch waiting for you in the staff room would instantly turn any day around?
HH: Shout out to all the free and amazing food the community has sent our way!
MK: Floradora!
10. What’s in your first aid kit?
MK: Steri-strips, Zofran, Benadryl, splints, bandages, gloves, scissors, and ace wrap.
11. What would your 16 year old self think of you today?
HH: That I am doing a-okay!
MK: I knew you’d be a nurse, but I didn’t know you’d live in such a cool place!
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