30 Jan SM County: Phased Vaccine Distribution Expanded
Educators, school staff and residents 65 years of age and older eligible for a Covid vaccine as of February 8, 2021.
To register for free testing in Lawson Hill, visit here.
For more information surrounding COVID resources, testing and the concern form, visit here.
For more information surrounding the state’s COVID-19 dial, visit here.
Governor Jared Polis recently announced an expansion of Phase 1B vaccination phase to include two new segments defined as phase 1B.2 and phase 1B.3. With three weeks of insight into vaccine allocation from the federal government to the state, the Governor is comfortable announcing targeted timelines for continued phased rollout of vaccine administration.
Phase 1B.2 is projected to commence on Monday, February 8, enabling residents 65 years of age and older, teachers, childcare, school staff including bus drivers, safety workers and administrative teams and employees essential to the continuity of state government to begin receiving their vaccine. This phase includes approximately 408,100 Coloradans and is projected to take up to three weeks pending supply.
Phase 1B.3 will include frontline essential workers inclusive of employees of the postal, grocery, agriculture, and public transportation industries, faith leaders and food service and residents with two or more co-morbidities, or high-risk conditions, 16 years of age and older. This phase includes approximately 1.1 million Coloradans and is projected to begin on March 5, pending supply, and could take three months to complete.
“If the level of vaccine does not increase, we can expect that there will be further changes to the prioritization of Phase 1B.3,” said Governor Jared Polis. “We want to vaccinate everybody, but it all depends on supply.”
San Miguel County Public Health, Telluride Regional Medical Center and Uncompahgre Medical Center will work together as the county’s three vaccine distribution centers to reach all those eligible for the vaccine in the coming weeks.
Staff and teachers at the various schools and childcare programs in the R1 and R2 school districts can expect to hear from each organization’s leadership regarding registration.
Others included in Phase 1B.2 can reach out to their Primary Care Provider or register through Public Health at bit.ly/smcvaccineinfo.
“We have been preparing for this for the last month and are ready to move forward as quickly as supplies allow,” said Public Health Director Grace Franklin.
For more information surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine, join Public Health’s next monthly COVID Community Forum on Tuesday, February 9 at 5:30 pm in Zoom Meeting Room 875 7561 1213 with the password 819 022.
For any questions, the CDPHE has launched a Colorado vaccine hotline which can be reached 24 hours per day, 7 days per week beginning February 1 at 1-877-COVAX-CO or 1-877-268-2926. San Miguel County Public Health is also available via email at publichealth@sanmiguelcountyco.gov or on social media @smcpublichealth.
Five Commitments of Containment:
Wear a mask
Maintain six feet of physical distance
Minimize group size
Wash hands frequently
Stay home when sick and get tested
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