05 Jan 70+ to Receive Covid-19 Vaccines in January
COVID-19 Vaccine Phase 1b: Residents 70+ to receive vaccines in January. Online pre-registration for Phase 1b goes live as outreach begins.
For more information surrounding COVID resources, testing and the concern form, visit here.
For more information surrounding the state’s COVID-19 dial, visit here.
Last week, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) released a revised statewide approach to the phases of vaccine distribution in order to prioritize residents 70+ years of age.
“The primary goal of vaccine distribution strategy on the state and national level has always been two-fold,” said Public Health Director Grace Franklin. “To rapidly reduce the number of deaths due to COVID-19 and to minimize the disruption to society and the economy caused by this global pandemic. This change to the phasing addresses the facts, the highest mortality rate is among people 70 and older.”

Grace Franklin, County Public Health Director.
A dotted line was added to the list of recipients in Phase 1b which should not be passed until all residents of San Miguel County who are 70+ years of agee receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Just below this line is the second half of Phase 1b recipients, including critical workforce such as teachers, utility employees, public transit, grocery employees and more.
San Miguel County Public Health and the medical centers in the county began working carefully and quickly to address this change. Throughout the coming weeks, Public Health will continue to work closely with the Uncompahgre Medical Center to reach residents who receive primary care at the UMC, are 70 years of age and older and consent to UMC sharing their information with Public Health in order to schedule a vaccine appointment.
As a designated distribution site, the Telluride Regional Medical Center has begun to call all patients 70+ years on record for primary care over the last two years in order to register and schedule their vaccine administration.
Full-time residents of San Miguel County who are 70+ and do not have a Primary Care Physician within the county should visit the county’s COVID page to pre-register for a vaccine. To pre-register, visit the county’s pre-registration form at: bit.ly/smcvaccine.
Alternatively, if internet access is unavailable, you can pre-register by calling Dawn Ibis, Registry Coordinator for Vaccine Distribution, at (970) 708-8670. This registry line is reserved for full-time residents ages 70+ at this time.
Public Health and the Telluride Regional Medical Center each received another 100 doses, enabling the county to continue with the administration of 200 Phase 1b vaccinations by the end of the day on Saturday, January 9.
Public Health has confirmed twenty-one new positive cases of COVID-19 from test results received from January 1 through 5. Of these cases, fourteen are residents and all actively contagious cases are currently in isolation. There have been 435 total COVID cases among residents to date with 19 active cases.
To learn more about the County’s current COVID-19 metrics, please visit the County COVID-19 dashboard.
• 64-year-old male, nonresident, symptomatic, household
• 62-year-old male, nonresident, symptomatic, travel
• 59-year-old female, nonresident, symptomatic, travel
• 51-year-old male, resident, symptomatic, workplace
• 50-year-old female, resident, symptomatic, household
• 50-year-old male, resident, symptomatic, household
• 50-year-old male, nonresident, symptomatic, workplace
• 45-year-old female, resident, symptomatic, social
• 42-year-old female, resident, symptomatic, community
• 32-year-old female, resident, symptomatic, household
• 32-year-old male, resident, symptomatic, household
• 31-year-old male, nonresident, symptomatic, travel
• 29-year-old female, nonresident, symptomatic, household
• 25-year-old female, resident, asymptomatic, social
• 25-year-old female, resident, symptomatic, household
• 23-year-old female, nonresident, symptomatic, household
• 19-year-old female, resident, symptomatic, social
• 17-year-old female, resident, symptomatic, social
• 16-year-old female, resident, symptomatic, household
• 16-year-old male, resident, symptomatic, household
• 13-year-old male, resident, symptomatic, social
San Miguel County will continue posting caseload updates twice a week. The next update will be published on Friday, January 8.
Five Commitments of Containment:
Wear a mask
Maintain six feet of physical distance
Minimize group size
Wash hands frequently
Stay home when sick and get tested
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