22 Sep Public Health Stresses Importance of COVID-19 Testing
Free resting available at the Mesa County Fairgrounds. More information can be found at health.mesacounty.us/covidtesting. For up-to-date coronavirus information visit here.

Grace Franklin, County Public Health Director.
Public Health has confirmed zero new positive cases from test results received September 19 –22, keeping the total case count in San Miguel County at 90 with one active case.
With the change of seasons comes the return of colds, flu and other viruses that share similar symptoms with the4 coronavirus. COVID-19 testing is an important tool to control and monitor the spread of the virus and is highly encouraged for individuals who are symptomatic, and/or who are a close contact of a confirmed positive case. Flowcharts are available on the San Miguel County website to provide direction on screening COVID-19 symptoms and next steps. Public Health recently released a video further explaining the importance of testing for the health of the community, and the San Miguel County coronavirus site features a testing page with comprehensive information.
“Testing plays an essential role in managing COVID, and we want to provide as many resources as possible from education to testing capability,” said Public Health Director Grace Franklin. “There should be no barriers to getting tested if a person is symptomatic or was in close contact with a known positive.”
Testing by appointment is available at the Telluride Medical Center and Uncompahgre Medical Center. Individuals must have an order from a healthcare provider or Public Health to get tested at these sites. Mesa County Public Health is offering free drive-up testing to all, including out of county residents, at the Mesa County Fairgrounds Tuesday-Saturday every week from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
San Miguel County will continue posting caseload updates twice a week. The next update will be published on Friday, September 25.
Five Commitments of Containment:
• Wear a mask
• Maintain six-feet of physical distance
• Minimize group size
• Wash hands frequently
• Stay home when sick and get tested
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