22 Aug Doctors Prove Prolonged Mask-Wearing Safe- Inside & Out Exercising!
Because she runs into all too many unmasked people walking the streets and hiking/biking the trails in and around Telluride, a friend requested we curate the following story from BabaMail. It offers solid proof that the prolonged wearing of masks is safe indoors – and out. (Doc featured ran a 22-mile marathon with no change in his oxygen uptake or breathing.)
Here’s a very compelling quote from that story: “The scientist in question, Dr. Rich Davis wrote “I sneezed, sang, talked and coughed toward an agar culture plate”, which was done once with and then without a mask to determine the bacteria colonies that formed as a result. Almost no bacteria colonies were formed when the mask was worn as they were largely blocked. This simple experiment is clear proof that masks can aid in preventing the spread of bacteria, including the COVID-19 virus…”
Telluride Inside… and Out has published a number of other stories about masks here. And here is Dr. Alan Safdi on Mask Myths.
The point is make like Zorro. (Only wear your mask over your nose and mouth.)
With the COVID-19 Pandemic firmly in the forefront of each of our minds, people are finding different ways to stay safe, including self-isolating and purchasing or improvising DIY PPE (personal protective equipment, like masks and bodysuits). Not everyone, however, has been as enamored by the idea of wearing PPE. Many protests and controversies have arisen regarding the use of masks, claiming not only the ineffectiveness of masks at protecting against the virus, but also that they are uncomfortable and can even negatively affect the wearer’s ability to breathe. Numerous scientists have conducted successful experiments in the past few months to prove masks are indeed effective in slowing down the spread of the virus. In fact, one doctor ran an entire marathon with his mask on and his oxygen monitored, just to prove this very point…
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