19 Jun Telluride Med Center: With New Covid-19 Cases, Testing Capacity Expanded!
Effective immediately, healthcare providers at the Telluride Regional Medical Center can issue diagnostic COVID-19 tests to any patient requesting one, regardless of symptoms. In fact, due to some recent outbreaks, capacity has been expanded.
To make an appointment for a PCR diagnostic COVID-19 test visit tellmed.org/testing for step-by-step instructions. And any community member experiencing COVID-19 symptoms — fever, cough, congestion, shortness of breath, malaise, headache or diarrhea — should call the Med Center to discuss next steps.
The Telluride Regional Medical Center has expanded testing capacity to screen dozens locals who may have had high-risk exposure to any of the five confirmed COVID-19 cases announced this week.
Each of the five cases announced by San Miguel County Public Health have accompanying close contacts that are being assessed for testing.
San Miguel County Public Health’s Letter to Parents of Teens Considered at High-Risk for Infection
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines high-risk exposure as contact with an infected person less than six feet away, without a mask, for longer than 15 minutes.
Medical center staff are urging everyone who has had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case, or who has coronavirus symptoms — fever or chills, cough, congestion, shortness of breath, malaise, fatigue, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting, headache or diarrhea — to presume they have the virus.

Dr Diana Koelliker
“We need you to stay home, monitor your health and contact San Miguel County Public Health or your medical provider,” said Dr. Diana Koelliker, Emergency Care Director at the Telluride Regional Medical Center.
CDC: How do I know if I need to be in isolation or quarantine?
Dr. Koelliker cautions those with known exposure to confirmed cases to absolutely avoid people who are at higher-risk for getting very sick from COVID-19.
If you or someone in your family had recent close contact with a COVID-19 confirmed case.
Quarantine and contact San Miguel County Public Health (Mon – Fri, 9am – 4:30pm) to discuss your risks and, if appropriate, to obtain a testing order for a test. San Miguel County Public Health: 970.728.4289.
If you or someone in your family is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms
Quarantine and call the Telluride Regional Medical Center to discuss next steps: 970.728.3848.
If you are asymptomatic but would like to be tested for other reasons
Call the Telluride Regional Medical Center to schedule a test: 970.728.3848.
Testing Capacity at the Telluride Regional Medical Center
The Telluride Regional Medical Center currently offers PCR diagnostic testing. Results are typically available in 3 to 5 business days after the test is administered.
To expand testing capabilities to meet the demand, the Telluride Regional Medical Center is employing more staff for longer hours and exploring all options.
While the Med Center does have an ample supply of tests, the spike in cases and demand for tests puts a strain on staff, resources and the clinic’s small facility.
“Please be patient with us, we recognize this is a stressful time, it’s also stressful for our clinic and the Public Health Department as we rise to meet this demand,” said Dr. Koelliker. “We’re doing our best and need the community’s support.”

Dr. Sharon Grundy
“Every one of these five confirmed coronavirus cases represents someone in this community who did the responsible thing: they sought out a test,” said Dr. Sharon Grundy, Primary Care Director at the Med Center. “We are hoping these people are met with compassion and that everyone who should get tested, whether for symptoms or for contact with an exposed person, will do so.”
Dr. Grundy stresses the entire community must do its part to contain the spread of coronavirus.
“Get back to the basics and remember what we already know about how to slow the spread of this virus,” said Dr. Grundy. “Social distance. Wear a mask. Avoid groups. Wash your hands. Stay home when sick.”
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