Public Health Order: Updated!

Public Health Order: Updated!

Updated state Public Health Order announced: San Miguel County is in alignment. For up-to-date coronavirus information visit:

On June 19, the State of Colorado announced an amendment to the current Public Health Order that goes into effect immediately. San Miguel County will continue to mirror the State’s order, with the exception of the current 50% maximum lodging capacity that will go into effect on June 22. The updated Order further expands the economy with the limited capacity opening of bars and events, and also provides modifications and clarifications from the previous Order.

“The updated Order will allow our community to continue on a gradual opening approach that will further support our local businesses while remaining focused on health protocols,” said San Miguel County Commissioner Kris Holstrom. “It’s important that we remain mindful and diligent with best practices as we move forward.”

Based on the amended Order, bars may resume in-person service at 25% capacity, up to 50 people. Extra-large restaurants and bars are authorized to operate indoors with up to 100 people. Bars and restaurants are required to use the Social Distancing Space Calculator provided by the State to determine capacity.

Indoor and outdoor events such as receptions, non-critical auctions, theaters, trade shows, markets, rodeos, fairs, festivals and parades may operate at 100 people per room indoors and 175 people per designated activity outdoors, calculated using the Social Distancing Space Calculator.

Relevant modifications and clarifications to the amended Order are as follows:

• Organized adult and youth sports can be played with 25 players both indoors and outdoors. Caps on outdoor recreation activities do not include staff.

• The 25% capacity at up to 50 person cap in gyms excludes staff, and allows lockers to be open.

• Residential camps are authorized to open following the summer camp requirements as outlined in the Public Health Order.

• Limited healthcare settings are authorized to operate at 50% capacity, not to exceed 50 people.

• Personal services are authorized to provide services to the face that require removal of the customer’s face covering and requires individuals providing these services to wear both a face mask or covering and a face shield.

It’s recommended that all businesses review the updated Public Health Order for complete details and to ensure compliancy.

During this next phase of reopening, San Miguel County encourages businesses to stay educated on safety protocols and has launched a program to provide support during the pandemic.

Two health educators are available and prepared to offer businesses a better understanding of COVID symptoms, safe practices implementation and additional community resources. A 40-minute presentation is followed by a Q & A for industry specific questions. To schedule a presentation, contact Grace, Greta and Patrick

“We are thrilled to offer this service as education is key to compliance and slowing the spread of COVID-19,” said Public Health Director Grace Franklin. “I hope that our business community utilizes this brand new resource.”

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