To Your Health: COVID-19, Signs, Symptoms, Prevention

To Your Health: COVID-19, Signs, Symptoms, Prevention

Dr. Alan Safdi, a world-renowned internist and gastroenterologist with encyclopedic knowledge of mind-body wellness and preventative medicine, posts on Telluride Inside… and Out under the banner of “To Your Health.” His blogs feature the most current information in his field: health, wellness, and longevity. Which now has to mean Dr. Alan’s podcast (below) is all about what’s on everyone’s mind: COVID-19. In the (roughly) 20-minute talk, he addresses symptoms, signs and prevention. 

Before listening to the podcast here, know that symptoms in general are subjective; signs are objective. You have a cough (a symptom). When the doc checks you out, she finds gunk in your lungs (the sign or reason for the cough). You feel short of breath, a symptom. When the doc investigates, he finds you are breathing at 36 times/minutes (not good).

Newish news on masks came in after the podcast was in the bank. The following narrative about masks is an add-on.

According to Dr. Alan, there are lots of good reasons to wear masks these days, including the fact that people without symptoms appear to account for a significant amount of transmission. Masks help protect you from others and others from you.

Emerging data from smaller randomized studies from other countries have shown the benefits of masks, even a cloth mask, worn and handled properly, helps stop the spread of viral diseases like COVID-19. But you should treat the masks the same way you would treat underwear, i.e., wash them after a day’s wear.

That said, masks should not lead to a  false sense of security for Americans. People absolutely still need to continue following social-distancing guidelines. Masks are particularly helpful, however, in public settings where distancing guidelines are difficult to maintain, such as grocery stores.

These everyday masks are generally made out of the same kinds of material used to make shirts, dresses and scarves. They are very different from the protective gear members of the medical community and first-responders must wear to stay safe like N-95 coverings made of PPE.

Dr. Alan, more:

Dr. Alan Safdi is board-certified in Internal Medicine and in Gastroenterology and is a Fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology. A proven leader in the healthcare arena, he has been featured on the national program, “Medical Crossfire” and authored or co-authored numerous medical articles and abstracts. Safdi has been involved in grant-based and clinical research for four decades and is passionate about disease prevention and wellness, not just fixing what has gone wrong. He is an international lecturer on the subjects of wellness, nutrition and gastroenterology.

As the world turns, there is a chance Dr. Alan, in partnership withThe Peaks Spa, will return with wellness intensives titled “Live Longer Retreat.” If that occurs, he will be assisted by yoga and Pilates instructors, athletic trainers, dietitians, chefs at the Peaks. Limited to only 10 – 15 participants, these intensives include personal consultations, hiking, spinning, yoga, talks and demonstrations related to nutrition, cooking classes, and more.

For all program information, go to his Telluride Longevity Institute website or sign up by calling 1-877-448-5416.

Go here to read a review of the experience by one very satisfied participant.


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