How Long Does the Coronavirus Live on Surfaces!

How Long Does the Coronavirus Live on Surfaces!

This story from WebMD explains how long the coronavirus lives on a variety of surfaces and suggests an action plan for dealing.

The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 mainly spreads from person to person. When someone who is infected coughs or sneezes, they send droplets containing the virus into the air. A healthy person can then breathe in those droplets. You can also catch the virus if you touch a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touch your mouth, nose, or eyes.

The coronavirus can live for hours to days on surfaces like countertops and doorknobs. How long it survives depends on the material the surface is made from.

Here’s a guide to how long coronaviruses — the family of viruses that includes the one that causes COVID-19 — can live on some of the surfaces you probably touch on a daily basis. Keep in mind that researchers still have a lot to learn about the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19. For example, they don’t know whether exposure to heat, cold, or sunlight affects how long it lives on surfaces.

Examples: doorknobs, jewelry, silverware
5 days

Examples: furniture, decking
4 days

Examples: packaging like milk containers and detergent bottles, subway and bus seats, backpacks, elevator buttons
2 to 3 days

Stainless steel
Examples: refrigerators, pots and pans, sinks, some water bottles
2 to 3 days

Examples: shipping boxes
24 hours

Examples: pennies, teakettles, cookware
4 hours

Examples: soda cans, tinfoil, water bottles
2 to 8 hours….

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