Telluride WOW Fest: Weekend Update

Telluride WOW Fest: Weekend Update

The 6th annual Telluride WOW or (Weekend of Wellness) is billed as an unplugged health & wellness happening. The three-day festival runs Thursday, June 7  – Sunday, June 10. The cost is $350. Single-day and class passes are available. Details are all online at And go here to listen to a podcast with WOW presenter Bill Fabrocini.

WOW presenter Bill Fabrocini in action.


In a world of packed schedules and excessive screens, it can be hard to remember what the word “restore” even means. But the WOW Festival (Weekend of Wellness) may have concocted just the right elixir to restore you and remind you of who you set out to be, the perfect blend of workouts, hikes, meditation sessions, nutritious meals and conversation.

Now in its 6th year as the Telluride’s premiere health and wellness event, the Telluride WOW Festival continues to refine its mission.

The focus this year is on the core elements of “The Well Lived Life” or “Life in Balance,” as realized under following categories: nature, relationships, health and education.

With beautiful Telluride as the backdrop, WOW plans to explore the surrounding mountains and trails, while sharing knowledge and creating new relationships with like-minded people. The emphasis is on more elbow room for the “unplanned” aspects of life, the side conversations, the dinner or coffee chats, the talks while hiking, a clear departure from a”regular” life of appointments, deadlines, phone calls, engagements and expectations.

Festival director Becca Tudor explains:

“Guests shouldn’t feel like they are missing out on something or that they have to race from one place to the next.”

Free time in the afternoon is purposeful.

In fact, Tudor adds the weekend is very much fueled, not only by her passions and everyday life, but by the Spanish word, “Sobremesa,” which loosely translates to the time after the main meal when everyone lingers and the real conversations unfold.

“We want people to have that time to engage, to slow down, to unplug. In short, experience something different.”

The weekend features a great line-up of presenters including Telluride’s own mountaineering rock star Hillaree Nelson; Aspen’s Bill Fabrocini, a clinical specialist in orthopedic physical therapy and sports performance training coach; plus other leading figures in Pilates, yoga, boot camp, sports conditioning and Brazilian jiu jitsu.

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