13 Jan Flu Season & Flu Season Soup
Here’s the story on this year’s flu from webmd.com. Though reading it might make you, well, ill. But a possible antidote follows.
Coughing, aching, got a high fever and extreme fatigue? You could have the flu.
Shortly before Christmas, labs across the country started to see more positive flu tests. That uptick is often the first sign that flu season is underway.
“It definitely looks like flu season is here,” says Lynnette Brammer, an epidemiologist who is in charge of tracking the flu at the CDC.
The strain that’s causing most flu infections so far this year is an “A” type strain called H3N2. That’s reason for concern, experts say.
“The dominant H3N2 A strain is the variety that causes more severe disease, especially among older persons,” says William Schaffner, MD, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville.
Brammer agrees.
“A lot of the bad years are H3 years. The elderly and the very young may have a harder time this year,” she says.
The good news is that all forms of this year’s flu vaccine (including both the 3-strain and 4-strain shots) contain H3N2, and so should provide some protection.
The bad news is that flu vaccines don’t tend to work as well against this particular strain, so you can still get it even if you’ve had your shot.
An analysis of multiple studies, published in 2016, found that even when the vaccine is a close match to the circulating H3N2 strain, it only cuts a person’s chances of getting sick by an average of 33%. The same study found that flu vaccines are better at protecting against the “B” strains of the virus. When B strains are circulating, a flu vaccine can cut a person’s chances of getting sick by about 61%.
Imperfect as it is, the flu vaccine is still the best weapon to blunt a virus that can land you in the hospital. And even though it takes 2 weeks for the vaccine to become fully effective, you still have time to get it.
“What you hope is that even though it didn’t prevent the illness, it will prevent more severe outcomes,” like hospitalization and death, Brammer says…
My friend Katherine Stuart writes a wonderful blog,”Best Friend Handbook,” everything from fashion and beauty tips to nutrition and recipes – including recipes for success. The following is a dish that is delicious, for sure, but also helps beat back the flu. Read on to learn more about “Flu Season Soup.”

Katherine Stuart
Tis the season… the flu/cold season that is. Having just recovered from a seriously nasty one, I was reminded of this fabulous soup from Fine Cooking magazine. Chock full of natural immune boosters such as chili peppers, ginger and lemon, this is an asian inspired twist on chicken noodle soup. Delicious all year, it’s especially effective during the winter months when so many of us are battling a runny nose, cough and fever. Here’s why:
In Ayurvedic medicine, ginger is known to warm the body, working to break down toxins in both the lungs and the sinuses. Furthermore, it cleanses the lymphatic system, clearing out waste and fighting off infection. It’s also been proven to reduce muscle soreness and inflammation, making it a real flu season power house.
Lemon strengthens the immune system, purifies the blood and lowers your body temperature. Which is really helpful when you have a fever. Full of Vitamin C, lemon is often used to treat respiratory issues and improve breathing. Smelling lemon is also an instant mood booster which is a nice added bonus when you’re feeling like dirt.
Chili Peppers
Chilis contain capsaicin, a natural anti-inflammatory, which is great help when you’re body is fighting off a infection or virus. Eating them can help reduce a headache and sooth the sinuses. They’re also high in Vitamin C and anti-oxidants which work to boost your immune system.
In short, eating this soup will help keep your body from succumbing to a flu or cold this winter. And, if you do, it’ll speed up your recovery so that your back on your feet in no time.
Flu Season Soup
1 lemon
1/4 c chopped fresh cilantro
1 t finely grated fresh ginger
2 serrano chilis, stemmed, halved and seeded
6 c chicken broth
4 oz fresh Chinese egg noodles or 3 c cooked rice
2 T fish sauce
1-2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1/4″ thick slices
Continue reading here for instructions about how to make flu season soup.
More about Katherine Stuart:
Katherine is a former movie executive and screenwriter who now runs her own content company, Content by Katherine. Her blog, the Best Friend Handbook, was born out of a desire to help other women feel better about themselves. As a lifelong best friend, fashion aficionado, former Pilates instructor, and amateur cook as well as the person that everyone comes to for advice, Katherine decided to take her opinions global, and create a virtual best friend. You know, someone who loves you no matter what. Who never judges you for eating, say, a quart of ice cream, always knows the best recipe for an impromptu dinner party and who can tell you exactly which eye cream will make you look like less of a hag the morning after one glass too many.
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