May 2016

In a recently resurfaced 1985 interview, famed astronomer Carl Sagan finds common ground between science and spirituality. Writing in the Huff Post, Carolyn Gregoire explains. Watch the talk on video too. When you imagine an alien, what do you think of? A green, slimy creature with jagged...

Are you an early adopter? Do you love being the person who knows before anyone else about the latest trends? Are you an investor looking for the next billion-dollar business? Attend this Shark Tank-inspired event and become part of the entrepreneurial culture of startups. Come and listen to the innovators, the creative people, the risk-takers...

The point of it all is to break down the headlines, determine why an issue is important, and reveal the best arguments on each side of the story. Last week in The Short Version, Cleo Abram blogged about the strike by Verizon workers, but the...