May 2016

Telluride Arts’ Twenty(by)Telluride is a fun, lively, fast-paced casual event that offers an intimate glimpse into the Telluride Art District's vast talent pool through very fast-paced slide presentations. Presenters are challenged to share what makes them tick—their inspiration, creative process, passions, muse. Each presenter has exactly 20 slides and...

The point of it all is to break down the headlines, determine why an issue is important and reveal the best arguments on each side of the story  The most recent debate on The Short Version was felon voting rights. Think the subject does not impact you? Really?...

Telluride Mountainfilm takes place over Memorial Weekend, starting Friday, May 27. For a full schedule, go here and click on the day for a roll out.  [caption id="attachment_59102" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Conrad and Jenni Lowe-Anker with their boys, courtesy Telluride Mountainfilm.[/caption] On October 5, 1999, an avalanche on the...

SHEL live at the Transfer Warehouse. Join Telluride Arts and Telluride Mountainfilm for an unforgettable Transfer Warehouse party, hosted by National Geographic Adventure to celebrate their Adventurers of the Year. Saturday, May 28, 8 p.m. - midnight. Purchase tickets here. (Note: Tickets. $20,  without Mountainfilm pass;...

This weekend in Ridgway people will be gathering from throughout the region to celebrate the beauty and splendor of the Valley where Ridgway is nestled. There they will celebrate, with the aid of all sorts of finely crafted beer from throughout the southwest Colorado, and live music in Ridgway’s...

Please scroll down to the bottom of this story to watch the time-lapse video of Telluride’s new mural, thanks to Mountainfilm and its artist-in-residence, Chip Thomas, a doctor, activist and street artist from Navajo reservation. Last week, the wall was a bare expanse of concrete on the...

Dr. Haley Perlus is a regular presenter at the Telluride WOW Festival, Thursday, June 9 – Sunday, June 12, 2016. This year, she will be talking about the psychology behind good nutrition and how to conquer fear. In the run-up to the Big Event, Haley continues...

Julie Shavin of Colorado Springs wins $1000 Mark Fischer Poetry Prize. The awards and number of contestants keep getting bigger in the run up to the 19th annual Mark Fischer Poetry Contest. This year’s judge, Southwest poet/provocateur Judith Hill, reviewed 330 poems from 130 poets living in 22 western states. In...