May 2015

Strategy: noun, a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim. A master plan, grand design, game plan, plan of action. You say you knew the dictionary definition of “strategy” because, well, you run a nonprofit, you are a board member,...

 Discounted services offered throughout the month to uninsured and under-insured. Many Americans go without the preventive health care needed to stay healthy, avoid or delay the onset of disease, lead productive lives, and reduce health care costs. In fact, often due to cost, Americans use preventive services at about half the...

“This is an opportunity to get together and party around the joy of reading. It is a celebration of that good ole fashioned past-time,” said Between the Covers Bookstore co-owner Daiva Chesonis, one of the original conspirators behind Telluride’s newest shoulder-season happening: Telluride Literary Arts Festival (LitFest), Thursday, May 14-17. A long-...

I walk into the museum below the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin with eight 11th and 12th grade Telluride Mountain School students and art teacher Craig Wasserman. We stop short to read a quote printed clearly and simply on the museum...

May 7 to 14, 2015  Visible planets: Morning: Saturn         Evening: Mercury, Venus, Jupiter Here in the San Juans, the green, green grass of Taurus is often covered with snow. Moisture comes in a variety of guises, but its purpose remains the same: Water, aka H2O. Establish,...

In most cases, the lucky ones, mothers are the Linus blankets of our early lives. We hang on as long as we can. Early on, we can’t go to sleep without them nearby. When we think of our most cherished childhood memories, moms typically play central roles in the...

 While in New York, we visited the Museum of Natural History not just for the dinosaur room, but this time specifically for a show entitled “Life at the Limits: Extreme Creatures,” about gaining an understanding about how and why weird and astonishing species evolve. For example the tardigrade,...

Writer/editor William Green posted the following on LinkedIn Pulse. William's new book,”The Great Minds of Investing,” is scheduled to be published later this month. I’ve covered business for more than 20 years, writing articles for Fortune, Forbes, Bloomberg, Money, Fast Company, Time, The New Yorker and...

Dear Pet Column, I have been hearing about the horrible canine flu outbreak in the Chicago area that has closed down some shelters and cancelled some large dog events in the area. Is this something we need to be concerned with here in Colorado? Sincerely, Fearful of...