March 2015

Telluride Professional Forum, an initiative of the Telluride Women’s Network, hosts talk featuring Drs. Grundy & Hamrick. Thursday, 11:30 – 2 p.m.; talk on skincare, noon – 1 p.m. Tickets, $25 in advance; non-members, $30. Sign up here now. A show of hands please. How many of you...

March 5 to 12, 2015   Visible planets: Morning: Saturn    Evening: Venus, Mars, Jupiter Wild news, explosive events and radical awakenings are par for the course this week as a dueling dance of personal vs. universal will emanate throughout the cosmos. WE, as people living and breathing,...

March 13, 2015, at 8:30 p.m., doors at 8 p.m., Sheridan Opera House, 110 North Oak St. Telluride, CO. $25 general admission on the floor/$35 reserved balcony. Tickets here. The Sheridan Arts Foundation presents the Pimps of Joytime at the historic Sheridan Opera House on Friday, March 13,...

“Ecstatic experiences disassemble us in some significant way and swirl our pieces back together again in new configurations,” Barbara Carrellas, from “Ecstasy is Necessary” Meryl Streep could not curb her enthusiasm when Best Supporting Actress winner (for “Boyhood”) Patricia Arquette used the podium soap-box style to...

Note: This is the second of what we hope will be a series of posts and images by long-time local talent Ingrid Lundahl, author of “Telluride: The Outlaw Spirit of a Colorado Town.” Most know Ingrid as a killer photographer, but she started out in the professional...

There is an exciting new resource for regional artists at the Stronghouse Studios. A screen-printing lab, open to the public, has just come online thanks to the equipment and expertise of long time local Max Harrison. The lab is set up for large-format printing and has everything...

Dear Pet Column, We are a group of Telluride Middle School students who have chosen Second Chance as the nonprofit organization we want to support through our service learning project. We really connect to the part of your mission that promotes the human-animal bond and wrote...

Sandy Skoglund creates subversive room-size installations such as “Radioactive Cats” (1980), a post-nuclear tableau starring a swarm of eerie chartreuse felines, which have invaded the drab gray kitchen (and drab gray lives) of an elderly Midwestern couple. [caption id="attachment_49105" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Radioactive Cats, Skoglund, Telluride Gallery...

Telluride Theatre presents its own unique slant on the classic sci-fi rock musical “Little Shop of Horrors" live at the Palm Theatre Tuesday – Sunday, March 10–March 15. The show’s director Sasha Sullivan explains her unique spin on the production: “Along with our incredible artistic team, we have re-imagined what this show is...