19 Jan Telluride Yoga Fest: New Year, New Intensions
Namaste passes $285 and Guru passes $385. Purchase tickets here.
The 8th annual Telluride Yoga Festival, July 9 – July 12, plans to offer over 100 classes, meditation sessions, hikes, music, dinners, social gatherings and more. Headliners include: Sianna Sherman, Tias Little, Christina Sell, Peter Sterios, Micheline Berry and Gina Caputo. The Festival is also so grateful to welcome back Telluride favorites including Karl Straub, Rebecca Butler, Lara Catone, Nancy Stechert, Cat McCarthy, Shannon Paige, Allison English and The Yoga Slackers to name just a few.
Sianna Sherman’s First Musings of 2015: Activation of the Yoga Warrior
The end of one year and the birth of a new year marks a threshold to affirm and consciously embrace.
We must each free ourselves of past hurts and regrets in order to stand in the new threshold as a vessel of strength and clarity. Forgiveness is key to our personal freedom and then, like a torrent of grace, the river of the heart flows again…
“Courage Has Many Faces,” by returning (and favorite) instructor, Peter Sterios:
The most visible face of courage, and the one that we tend to value most, is the kind found in front-page headlines or on the big screen. Heroes have it, warriors have it, survivors have it… It is a quality that we all aspire to in varying degrees, yet those of us who work and live “normal” lives often feel little opportunity to exercise our personal courage as we go about our days. However, we often discount the significance of the many little things that require trust, faith, and bravery. Learning to recognize these small opportunities is a valuable skill for times when life presents the unexpected – when a big crisis shakes us from our routine…
Join Yoga Gives Back at the Sedona Yoga Festival, February 4-6
Join our friends, including Beryl Bender Birch, at the Give Back Yoga Foundation as they partner with the Sedona Yoga Festival 2015, to offer SYF Gives Back: Trauma-Sensitive Yoga and Resiliency Training to Benefit First Responders and Emergency Personnel, February 4-6. This two – five-day pre-festival intensive training is perfect for yoga teachers, psychologists, first responders, or anyone working with first responders and law enforcement personnel dealing with post traumatic stress andsecondary traumatic stress. This high caliber training offers 14 Yoga Alliance CEUs for certified instructors while nurses and counselors can receive 22 CEUs.
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