25 Oct Medical Moment: 10 Essential Foods
Telluride Inside… and Out is proud to feature the Telluride Medical Center’s MEDICAL MOMENT, a weekly column that answers common medical questions in pop culture.
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- This week, Eric Johnson looks at 10 essentials foods we should eat more of:
1. Cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and the like.
2. Dark leafy greens: kale, chard, collards and mustard greens.
3. Beans and legumes: Pinto, red and black beans, lentils, peas.
4. Fresh fruits and vegetables.
TIP: Choose organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible, it’s especially important to choose organic when eating a fruit or veggie from the “Dirty Dozen” list.
5. Cold water fish: salmon, mackerel, halibut. Choose sustainable fish. Learn about which seafood or fish to buy and avoid!
6. Whole Grains: brown and wild rices, oats, and barley.
7. Lean Meats: chicken, turkey and game meats.
8. Red Wine: in moderation, 1-2 glasses for men, 1 for women.
9. Dark Chocolate: one ounce of 70% cocoa 3-4 days a week.
10. Plain yogurt for probiotic benefits.
Editor’s note: The Telluride Medical Center is the only 24-hour emergency facility within 65 miles. As a mountain town in a challenging, remote environment, a thriving medical center is vital to our community’s health.
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