October 2014

BOO! Did I scare you? Not likely. But this article by Jacqueline Wilson in the Huff Post  just might. If not exactly scare you, it should at least make you long for the good old days when trick or treating did not require politically correct, non-GMO costumes and tote bags...

Found these tidbits about the upcoming holiday on wavy.com. The name Halloween comes from a shortening of the holiday’s former title: All Hallow’s Evening, which was the night before All Hallows’ (sanctified or holy) Day, or Hallowmas on November 1. Halloween originated from a Samhain, Ireland’s Celtic festival, which...

Have you ever seen a pet look happy in a Halloween costume?  I haven’t, but you people keep right on dressing us up anyway.  And we indulge you because we love you so much (and we are secretly planning our revenge: sneaking treats off the counter or...

Deadline to enter Telluride Arts' Cellscape Photo Contest is November 14. Exhibit/reception at Gallery 81435 is Noel Nite, December 3. The 2014 Cellscape Photo Contest and Exhibit is a fun and unique community art exhibit sponsored by Telluride Arts, curated by Megan Valanidas and hosted by Gallery 81435....

“Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs” is a show you won’t want to miss. But you will want to wait. (It opened on October 12 and runs through February 8). And you will not want to go on a rainy day. On rainy days in the Big Apple, the Museum of Modern Art...

With all due respect to Starbucks et. al., aren’t we over pumpkin lattes by now? A favorite food writer and taste editor Alison Speigel from the Huffington Post, thinks so. And then she offers 39 great ways to get creative with pumpkin, and not just for Halloween, for...

Tickets for the following shows at Sheridan Opera House on sale now at ticketing links below.  The Sheridan Opera House begins its winter season early December  (5 – 7 ) with the Young People's Theater production of "The Ugly Duckling," written and directed by artistic director Jennifer Julia and starring 29 middle...

I don't watch TV much. I don't really watch TV at all—we don't have a cable or satellite account, so the only programs I see are on the  iPad, the occasional series that was popular enough to replay on Netflix or YouTube snippets of Jon...

For much of the past decade, for Mountainfilm's Moving Mountains Symposium, we’ve chosen environmental themes, issues we’ve felt were essential to the global conversation. This year, we’re changing directions and will focus on Afghanistan. [caption id="attachment_46007" align="aligncenter" width="425"] Kabul, Afghanistan ©Aaron-Huey-AFGHAN[/caption] Mountainfilm has not selected a theme directly tied to a...

The following is another wonderful story by Oleh Lysiak about fly-fishing, a passion, suggesting that old age (and faltering eyesight) stop mattering when there is fresh-caught trout frying in a pan.    OLD EYES “Goddamn these old eyes," he mutters over and over. He lost his best #16 Royal Wulff, right...