08 Jul Telluride Yoga Festival: Noah Maze Among Presenters
The 7th annual Telluride Yoga Fest takes place this week, July 10 – July 13, with a class for all levels of practitioners: 4-day Guru pass, $495; 3-day Namaste pass, $395; 3-class pass, $108; all-day intensive, $150. Buy here now.
In his classic of the yoga tradition, “The Heart of Yoga,” T.K.V. Desikachar discusses in depth all the elements of the ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice: poses and counterposes, conscious breathing, meditation, and philosophy. The guide to developing a personal practice also includes several juicy definitions, one of which suggests “yoga is a movement from one point to a another, higher one.”
In the context of the Telluride region – much higher.
Since 2008, Telluride has been home to the Telluride Yoga Festival, a whole other kind of Rocky Mountain high and as uniquely beautiful as the region itself. Now under the direction of Albert Roer, director, and Erika Henschel, director, the 7th annual Telluride Yoga Festival takes place Thursday, July 10-Sunday, July 13, 2014. The event includes more than 85 classes, workshops, lecturers and events in a total of 11 venues in both Telluride and Mountain Village and over 30 top-tier presenters, chosen for their richly layered credentials and fierce yet compassionate commitment to authenticity in their teaching. The list includes Beryl Bender Birch, Scott Blossom, Micheline Berry, Peter Sterios, Cat McCarthy – and Noah Maze.
Noah, an accomplished teacher of yoga teachers and advanced practitioners, grew up in Boulder, Colorado, in a household redolent with philosophy and practice. He began a regular practice at age 14, initially studying with Ashtanga Vinyasa master Richard Freeman, a presenter at the first Telluride Yoga Festival.
Early on, Noah was honored to study with Pattabhi Jois, and Senior Iyengar teacher, Manouso Manos. He completed his first Anusara Yoga teacher training in 1999, becoming a Certified Anusara Yoga teacher in 2002.
Philosophically, Noah studies extensively with Tantric scholar Douglas R. Brooks, in the Srividya lineage of Rajanaka Yoga. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in Outdoor Education and Leadership and worked for several years teaching teens and young adults life and technical skills through wilderness journeys. Always a student, Noah avidly studies with teachers of as many yoga styles and traditions as possible.
Noah founded Noah Maze Yoga in 2003 and his school, YOGAMAZE, in Los Angeles, California in 2012. He also teaches internationally and online and lives with his family in Los Angeles.
At the Telluride Yoga Festival. Noah’s classes go wide and deep.
For starters, he leads an all-day intensive on the subject of sequencing a practice. Designed for committed students and teachers, the session provides instruction on several sequencing strategies to implement immediately into your home practice and teaching. Expect a combination of analysis, theory, and experiential exercises related to sequencing a flow practice and sequencing for an apex pose.
Noah’s vinyasa class promises to challenge student with continuous practice, breath and movement, and creative sequencing. Sun salutations, standing poses, core work, hand-balancing and backbends are the focus.
A class playfully named “Fly” deconstructs challenging hand-balancing poses and inversions, making them approachable for all levels. The class layers strong core work with hip openers, standing poses, and forward bends, prep for power and grace in balancing postures.
A standing pose class promises to ground students, preparing them for whatever lies ahead because Noah regards standing poses as prep for every other type of pose.
In Noah’s “Sit” class, students experience hip openers, forward bends and twists, learn to grow a lotus – and perhaps put a leg behind their heads.
Go here to register for your Early Bird Pass and more.
To learn more, click the “play” button and listen to my brief conversation with Noah Maze.
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