February 2014

Ed. Note: There will be a public screening of Gus's medal run, tonight, Thursday, 2/13, Palm Theatre, 7:00 pm. I went to bed early this morning still seeing Gus Kenworthy's two beautiful slopestyle runs that earned him a spot in the finals at the Sochi Olympics....

[caption id="attachment_38025" align="alignleft" width="110"] Gus Kenworthy, a winner, no matter what happens at The Olympics[/caption] It's way past my bedtime, but I stayed up to watch the slopestyle skiing semifinals at Sochi. It was worth the sleepy eyes as I saw Telluride local, Gus Kenworthy throw...

"Valentine's Day." That's the name of a new movie from director Gary Marshall about intertwining couples and singles in Los Angeles, break-ups and make-ups based on the pressures and expectations of the holiday, the high holy day of lovers. If it's not all wine and...

Popular celebrations of Valentine's Day gained traction in the late 17th century, but not until 100 years ago did most Europeans and Americans begin to agree that a long-term relationships (in those days, marriage) should be based on love and young people should freely choose...

[caption id="attachment_38133" align="alignright" width="300"] Macho[/caption] For today’s Second Chance Pet Column I wanted to share a great article by Francis Battista, co-founder of Best Friends Animal Society. Her story really resonated with one of my purposes in life: mirroring the people around me. It highlighted one...

Before he was either a saint or a holiday, Valentine was a Christian priest martyred in the third century. Some legends say he was executed for defying an edict against conducting marriages for Roman soldiers whom the emperor believed would fight better without family ties....

Telluride’s winter scenery has never been so luscious. The mounds of sparkling snow set against Colorado’s indescribably blue sky beg the artist’s rendering. Whether it’s sweeping, long mountain views, or one of Telluride’s quaint, Victorian-era homes snuggled under snow-capped roofs, renowned pastel artist, Bruce Gomez,...

“Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!”  The Telluride Film Festival’s Sunday at the Palm series is pleased to present the classic, five-time Oscar-winner (including Best Actress) on the big screen. MARY POPPINS has been remastered and re-released from the Disney Vault in celebration of the 50-year Anniversary of this American treasure. ...

Dr. Paul Hokemeyer The  following article by Dr. Paul Hokemeyer, a part-time Telluride local, appeared  on the Caron Treatment Center's website. In it, he talks about "wealth addiction." Read on to learn  more...

According to a Floral Trends Tracking Study, Valentine's Day is the number one holiday for florists, accounting for most of the industry's fresh flower sales. Seventy-eight percent of the flowers consumers purchase for Valentine's Day are cut flowers, with men being top customers, many buying...