February 2014

  February 20 to 27, 2014  Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn    Evening: Jupiter As the Sun waves goodbye to air-apparent Aquarius and enters the numinous waters of Pisces, we experience a subtle but major shift of energy and consciousness. The fixed nature of Aquarius engenders...

[caption id="attachment_38283" align="alignright" width="300"] Whitney Johnson & friends. Without her vision, many of these young people were without help or hope.[/caption] May the longtime sun shine upon you All love surround you And the pure light within you Guide your way on. (Kundalini Yoga Blessing, sung by the children and...

The American Dental Association (ADA) has designated February as National Children’s Dental Health Month (NCDHM) to raise awareness about the importance of oral health. The 2014 NCDHM campaign brings together thousands of dedicated dental professionals, health care providers and others to promote the benefits of...

This story by Carolyn Gregoire in HuffPost Healthy Living seemed to rhyme with the Sochi Olympics, where mentally strong people  are the rule – and rule. What separates them from the pack? In 1914, Thomas Edison's lab burned down, and years' worth of his work was...

On World Spay Day, Second Chance Humane Society is offering  $110 Spay/Neuter Vouchers [caption id="attachment_38335" align="aligncenter" width="404"] Avalanche[/caption] In its commitment to fighting pet overpopulation, Second Chance Humane Society is not only promoting World Spay Day on Tuesday, February 25, we are also offering an affordable means for spaying...

[caption id="attachment_38325" align="alignright" width="300"] Leonardo DiCaprio stars in "The Wolf of Wall Street," Red Granite Pictures[/caption] By now it's a well known fact that the "haves" have more than the rest of us. A lot more. But does all that money buy happiness? Part-time Telluride local...

Telluride Venture Accelerator Receives Blackstone Charitable Foundation Grant to Support Entrepreneurship and Innovation. $100,000 Grant Enables Program Expansion. Meet 2014 TVA winners at open house at Arroyo Telluride, Thursday, February 27, 5 - 6:30 p.m. [caption id="attachment_38290" align="aligncenter" width="525"] Telluride Venture Accelerator, 2014 winners[/caption] Telluride Venture Accelerator (TVA),...

Western Colorado will see increasing cloudiness, winds and possible snow by sunset on Wednesday as a trough of low pressure will bring a Pacific northwest storm into the area. Until then we will enjoy above normal temps as we've been experiencing the past 10 days. Timing...

Telluride Arts’ Twenty(by)Telluride is a lively, casual event that offers an intimate glimpse into Telluride’s creative talent through very fast-paced slide presentations. Presenters are challenged to share what makes them tick—their inspiration, their creative process, their passions, their muse. Each presenter has exactly 20 slides and...

Home & art tours in the Telluride Arts District presented by Telluride Arts The Telluride Art + Architecture Weekend showcases the very best of Telluride’s creative talent through two days of touring and tasting. The tour offers an insider’s glimpse into exquisite homes designed by prominent...