12 Feb Poets’ Corner: Bridger for Valentine’s Day
Popular celebrations of Valentine’s Day gained traction in the late 17th century, but not until 100 years ago did most Europeans and Americans begin to agree that a long-term relationships (in those days, marriage) should be based on love and young people should freely choose their own partners. Since the bad old days, Valentine’s Day has evolved into the one day when a gift of any kind ought to express optimism and adoration within a relationship: married or partnered, straight or gay. It is the one day for a special gift of intimacy: roses, chocolate, tickets to a baseball game – yes, ladies, if that’s what he wants – jewelry or even a beautiful poem, like the one Kierstin Bridger penned for her love (below). Like any true gift, the poem occupies a space between its author, the giver, and in this case her love, the receiver, like a meaningful conversation – or a kiss.
What is in the snow?
Shall I tell you
the pattern
two boots make,
heels together?
One heart.
If we sit down
the hearts look plump.
If I walk up the valley,
round down to a point
and round back again,
return to where I started,
You will see my heart.
Well, no.
What if I tell you
that being here with you,
your eyes so green
and wet from laughing
in this dry February wind,
while you look at me
like I invented all of this myself…
Oh Love,
you are my heart.
from your widow’s peak
to your pointed chin.
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