June 2013

[caption id="attachment_32043" align="alignright" width="281"] 2012 Artist Choice/Best of Show Award, Bill Cramer's "Clarice's Ranch"[/caption] Old idea. New blood. When they first came on the scene back in 1874, artists who ultimately became brand names – Monet, Manet, Renoir, Bonnard and Degas – were considered rebels. Defying the...

Trends and styles may change in music, but there are just some things that are timeless…like songwriting from the heart with ear-catching melodies and rich harmony vocals. [caption id="attachment_31948" align="alignright" width="300"] Sons of Fathers[/caption] The team of David Beck (a stage name as his real name is...

[caption id="attachment_25239" align="alignright" width="200"] Telluride Venture Accelerator's Jesse Johnson (left) & Telluride Foundation's Paul Major (right)[/caption] With the help of sixty Telluride expert mentors, TVA winners conclude six-month training program The Telluride Venture Accelerator (TVA) is entering the final phase of its inaugural year. Launched in the...

They will soon be here in force. Telluride Wine Festivarians, the people who inhale audibly at the mere mention of the word "Bordeaux" paired in the same sentence as the words "Chateaux Lafite Rothschild." But few of them condone torture in any form, including phrases...

Fundraiser to benefit local infant & child care returns Saturday, 6/29 Mountain Munchkins Child Care and Preschool, operated by the Town of Mountain Village, hosts its sixth annual Touch-A-Truck fundraiser to benefit the childcare center’s infant, toddler, and preschool programs. Children of all ages will have the...

[caption id="attachment_31926" align="alignright" width="300"] Luciano[/caption] Music has run deeply throughout Luciano's life. Born Jepther Washington McClymont on October 20, 1964 in Davey Town, a small community located atop a hilly region on the road to Mandeville in the central Jamaican parish of Manchester. Luciano was raised in...

G. Lucid Nut Brown Ale was officially released on 6/19/2013 Telluride Mushroom Festival, The Telluride Institute, and Smugglers Brewery are proud to present the official release of their Myco-Infused Beer, the G. Lucid Nut Brown Ale. This health-stimulating, handcrafted beer infusion is a toasted walnut brown...

[caption id="attachment_31912" align="alignright" width="300"] Rigoberto Hernandez, this week at TSRC's Town Talk[/caption] TSRC's Town Talks series continues on Tuesday, June 25, this week presenting topics critical not only to scientific advancement, but also pertinent to the equality and health of human beings. Professors of Chemistry and...

[caption id="attachment_12347" align="alignright" width="225"] Pastor Pat Bailey[/caption] Last Thursday’s presentation at the Wilkinson Public Library, part of an ongoing series, "Evolving Consciousness," lead by Dr. Pat Bailey, set a little different tone for the discussion of evolution. Biological anthropologist Helen Fisher spoke about the biological basis...

June 20 to 27, 2013   Visible planets: Morning: none          Evening: Mercury, Venus, Saturn Summer solstice takes place on June 20th at 11:07 pm MDT this year, just two days before the Cancer Sun and Capricorn Moon oppose each other [June 23rd @5:32 am MDT] in...