Lara Catone in Malasana


Lara Catone in Malasana

Lara Catone in Malasana

You’ve come a long way baby.

Or so they say.

But ask yourself a few of these pointed questions.

When was the last time you did something just for the pure joy and heck of it?

Do you have any interest in feeling more connected to your sensual self?

Is there anything at all missing from you love life?

Are there things you would like to better understand about your body?

Do you feel you give away so much you end up feeling drained and overwhelmed?

Would you like more creativity in your life?

If the answer is “yes” to any one of the above queries, then you might want to register now for a workshop led by yoga instructor Lara Catone, an emerging leader in the field of sexual wellness. The one-day session takes place at the Telluride Yoga Center on Saturday, March 9, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Lara’s promise: You will leave re-inspired, renewed & refueled.

All levels welcome.

Not convinced? Read on…

Lara Catone in a backbend

Lara Catone in a backbend

As modern women, we are constantly juggling commitments to work, family and community. Yes, we have carved out a new path, but in in many ways, we are still trying to find our way to balanced and fulfilling lives in a demanding world. At the same time essential elements of women’s wisdom and health have disappeared in our culture. For example, there are parts of women’s anatomy missing from medical textbooks and anatomical models. (Find out what and why at the workshop.) The loss of the ancient knowledge combined with increased levels of stress has led to an epidemic of female health issues.

Lara’s workshop – nourishing yoga, exhilarating breath practice, liberating movement, and a dynamic visual presentation – should help attendees reclaim ancient wisdom and simply celebrate what it is to be a woman.

Some of the specifics you will learn at the workshop:

• How to design and implement your own pleasure practice.
• The connection between sexual and creative energy.
• A complete view of female anatomy.
• Ways to increase and expand sensation.
• Exercises to balance the first and second chakras.
• Practices for cultivating and trusting intuition.
• Tips for communicating your needs and desires

Lara Catone is an emerging leader in the field of sexual wellness. As a yoga teacher and somatic sexologist with a specialty in women’s health, her mission is to empower radiant health and pleasure. Lara has dedicated the past 10 years to studies in the healing arts, including certifications as sexological bodyworker, birth doula, and AcroYoga teacher. She is also the creator of the web series Sexual Wellness TV and author of the e-book, “31 Ways to Keep It Hot.”



Lara has taught a diverse group of students throughout the United States and Europe, including at home base, Venice, CA. She has recently begun expanding her global community through the launch of an online studio with live webcam classes.

To register, go to or call 970-729-1673 or email

To learn more, click the “play” button and listen to my chat with Lara Catone.

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