Have you ever wanted to just dabble in paint? Take your doodling to the next level? Mess around with color?

Ah Haa School for the Arts offers the perfect opportunity to dip your toe into the painting experience – while dipping a swizzle stick into a beverage and hanging out with friends.

“Canvas & Cocktails” encourages participants to explore acrylic painting without the commitment and intimidation of a full-blown class. It’s an evening of laughter, socializing and good, clean (while maybe not with the paint) old artistic fun.

This winter, Ah Haa plans to alternate instructors weekly for this already popular program, using different local talents, who will infuse the evening with their unique style, unique point of view and unique energy. The rotation also offers the added benefit of introducing participants to a wide cross section of Telluride’s considerable talent pool.

Canvas & Cocktails is just one of several weekly drop-in classes that makes it easy to fit an artistic experience into everyone’s schedule.

So if you’ve ever wanted to reintroduce the fun and joy that came from playing with paint as a child, or if you are just looking for a very different social setting for you and your friends, Ah Haa offers endless possibilities.

Newbie Picasso? Seasoned artist seeking new inspiration? We hope to see you at just one of Ah Haa’s weekly inspired and inspiring classes. Who knows, one night (or a few) might just open a whole new world. Next step could be Robert Weatherford’s “Painting from Within.” But no pressure!

Special this week and next…

Join Wednesday’s Canvas & Cocktail, 7-9 p.m., and decorate your bra for next week’s BRAvo Auction & Fundraiser. Use Ah Haa’s supplies to bring a bra to new life and then donate your fantasy creation to the BRAvo auction, which takes place Thursday, October 18.

Our community’s bra creations will be auctioned off in both live and silent events that benefit the San Miguel Resource Center and Bosom Buddies of Montrse, a breast cancer support group that serves Southwestern Colorado.

Come show your support! (Pun intended.)

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