August 2012

Woody Allen won three times out of 15 nominations, the most times in the category. Francis Ford Coppola (1970) and Sofia Coppola (2003) are the only father-daughter pair to win. Joel and Ethan Coen are the only siblings to take home a statue. Muriel Box...

Editor’s Note: Kierstin Bridger is the 2011 winner of Telluride Arts’ Mark Fischer Poetry Prize and a regular contributor to Telluride Inside… and Out. Possibly the edgiest member of our family of fabulous writers/poets, including Word Woman Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer and “Feelosophy” major David Feela,...

Editor's Note: Jesse's column is normally published on Sunday. This weekend Jesse was busy, as you will read in her post. What she didn't tell you is that she got 2d place in her division. There are certain feats that seem impossible to me. The list...

[caption id="attachment_21715" align="alignleft" width="217" caption="Amanda Eyre Ward, award-winning author, "Close Your Eyes""][/caption] Fresh back from Lithuania, I’m inspired to slink off into the woods and hunt edible gold. Witnessed through a car window so many times on our trip were families, led by grandmothers in head...

The Traverse City Film Festival is a charitable and educational non-profit organization founded by filmmaker and local resident Michael Moore, also a regular at the Telluride Film Festival. [caption id="attachment_21674" align="alignright" width="300"] Michael Moore with George & Beth Gage following a softball game. (Their team won.)[/caption] The...

 "I am very outspoken about my environmental activism and concern for the planet. My expertise is in cultivating fungi and looking for exciting new applications that everyone can use on a small scale to contribute to the whole," Tradd Cotter Brooding headlines don't change the fact that...

In my sailing days I was sometimes asked: "What do you do all day?" My questioner was asking about my time in port; there was an assumption I was "busy" when at sea. But at anchor...

[caption id="attachment_21627" align="alignright" width="218" caption="Crowd Above"][/caption] It's sensory overload of the very best kind: the robust pairing of culinary and visual arts happening under one celestial roof. The Telluride Festival of the Arts takes place Friday, August 17 (starting at noon) – Sunday, August 19 (ends at...

Between tax returns and food ingredients, it seems hiding information is the order of the day. Massive “life science” corporations like Monsanto and DuPont, multinational food corporations like Pepsico and ConAgra, and biotechnology and grocery trade organizations like the Grocery Manufacturers Association are fighting against a...