August 2012

Editor’s note: For those who may not have known the story, we introduced Indian Ridge Farm & Bakery   at the beginning of the summer season with a recipe from Barclay Daryani, co-owner. You can say “hi” to Barclay and husband Tony every Friday at...

Anybody visiting Telluride will get to see legendary pro cyclists such as Cadel Evans and Andy Schleck ride to town in the USA Pro Cycling Challenge this Monday, August 20th. But for those who want to get a little closer to the action, there’s a new...

Editor’s note: Our Tall Tales contributor, Mark Stevens, is the author of “Antler Dust” and “Buried by the Roan.” Both books are on the shelves at Telluride’s own Between the Covers Bookstore, 224 West Colorado Ave, Box 2129. Mark is also president of Rocky Mountain...

"Being in nature is an opportunity to cultivate the child-eyes, the child-mind that neither knows nor presumes to know," Kathleen Harris The quote by Kathleen Harrison brings to mind something Picasso once said about the ideal state of an artist, which was returning to the vision...

Forget Russia. The final concert for the 39th annual Telluride Chamber Music Festival, a Sunday matinee at 2 p.m. on August 19, hits a high note when mezzo-soprano Erin Neff sings a program entitled "From Spain with Love." Two years ago, when Neff performed at a...

Five more months and then? With over 20 years defining and debating the issues, John Major Jenkins is best known for his works as a researcher and author that theorize certain astronomical and esoteric connections of the calendar systems used by the Maya civilizations of pre-Columbian...

[caption id="attachment_21725" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Big Head Todd & The Monsters, C. Taylor Crothers"][/caption] Three words that instantly brighten up any dark associations with the Colorado town named "Columbine": Former Columbine locals, Big Head Todd. Over nearly three decades  – college-town concerts in the 1980s to national...

Great photographs hold more profound possibilities and deeper meaning than aesthetics alone would suggest. They allow our minds to remove the shackles of reality and recreate the feeling, emotion and mystery that infuse and surround the images. It is these moments that fine art and...

In the context of the Telluride Shroomfest, the world wide web takes on a whole other meaning: we are talking about mycelium, the sentient cobweb-like web of cells, which, in just one magical phase of its life cycle, fruits mushrooms. Shroom evangelists and guests of...