Fashion Friday: Seeing red and Clutch for the Cause continues

Fashion Friday: Seeing red and Clutch for the Cause continues

[click “Play”, Kristin talks with Susan about “Red” and “Clutch for the Cause”]


Red Bag How goes Milan, so goes Telluride. At least according to fashionista Kristin Holbrook, co-owner of Telluride’s ever popular Main Street boutique, Two Skirts.

Two trends emerged on the runways in Milan, Paris,  and New York: fur and red. (Someone must be watching HBO’s “True Blood” for ideas.) Won’t be seeing much of the former: fur is not too popular around these parts unless it is covering the body of a living thing, like, say a pet dog or cat. But red. Apparently that is a whole other story.

Kristin’s story. She says that red in all its variations from Chianti to merlot will show in accessories such as bags from trendy designers such as Marc Jacobs. It’s all about punching up the other two popular Fall color themes, grays and browns.

It’s always a great idea to visit Two Skirts to check out fashion trends, but this weekend you would be doing more than yourself a favor.

Kristin is a board member of the The San Miguel Resource Center, the region’s only nonprofit in the business of helping victims of interpersonal violence. In support, she established an annual fundraiser, Clutch for the Cause. All proceeds from handbags purchases throughout this weekend are donated to the Resource Center.

To learn more, click the “play” button and listen to Kristin’s rap.

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