Voices of Telluride: Nutrition in Peru

Voices of Telluride: Nutrition in Peru

 By Claire Ricks and Marina Marlens


This video is to show the important role nutrition plays among the world in developing children. Using Peru to focus in on as a small fraction of this issue, we hope to put the spotlight on the massive problem of malnutrition. 






Ed. note: This spring, Telluride Mountain School's high school traveled to Peru. Each student selected a topic to investigate such as water, nutrition and public health and produced the following videos. Check out their amazing work.

This video and the ones to follow fit nicely with Telluride Inside… and Out's coverage of Mountainfilm in Telluride: young people such as these Telluride students, as well as Mountainfilm's young featured presenters, such as Alec Loorz and Tim DeChristopher, are making a difference where their elders are so often backing off. We need these young voices and their dedication.





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