Telluride tools: Vibram FiveFinger shoes

Telluride tools: Vibram FiveFinger shoes

"What are those on your feet?" I'd been getting the question constantly since leaving Telluride. "Those" are Vibram's FiveFingers, my favorite footwear, and not because of the attention they attract.

I talked to nurses, a father whose son was intrigued, strangers on the street. "Can you wear them outside, in the cold, on rough surfaces?" "Yes, yes and yes." I've run in them, worn them as slippers, hiked rocky trails on Crete. My KSOs have been everywhere in the past four months and I'm about to order my second pair- KSO Treks.

Go ahead, ask. I'm happy to talk about my FiveFinger shoes.

Telluride tools: Vibram FiveFinger shoes

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