Telluride Emergency Room renovation: Open house 12/2/2010

Telluride Emergency Room renovation: Open house 12/2/2010

[click “Play”, Dr. Diana Koelliker talks about the emergency room renovation]


New ER 001 The Telluride Medical Center plans to show off its newly renovated Emergency Room at an Open House. The happy event takes place Thursday, December 2, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m., including tours of the renovated facility. The medical staff and employees baked Christmas cookies for their guests, to be served with mulled hot cider.

For 32 years, the Telluride Medical Center has provided health care services to  Telluride and the 7,500 residents scattered throughout the R 1 School District. The Med Center is also the only 24-hour emergency facility within 65 miles. Without the Telluride Medical Center, imagine what long delays could mean to a person in critical need.


Medical Center - ahaa shoot 2010 054
Dr. Diana Koelliker

The last significant expansion of the Telluride Medical Center was completed over 12 years ago as an add-on to the existing facility. Since then, demand on the Med Center has grown significantly and its capacity to deliver trauma and emergency services effectively climbed to the top the list of issues facing the non-profit.

The response to the challenge began with a major renovation that began at the close of the 2009/2010 ski season and was completed prior to Thanksgiving and the opening of the ski season. The project came in under the $952,000 budget. Management and staff at Telluride Medical Center are thrilled with the result and feel that the renovation forestalls the need for a new facility for years to come.

To learn more, click the “play” button and listen to my interview with Dr. Diana Koelliker, Medical Director, Telluride Medical Center Emergency Department.

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