October 2010

[click "Play" for Seth Berg's interview with Susan]



10-11 TFFThe Telluride Film Festival and our five-star Wilkinson Public Library co-host the second in the fall Cinematheque film series programmed by Telluride Film Fest co-director Gary Meyer, celebrating the work of director Martin Scorsese.

"Mean Streets" screens Monday, October 11, 6 p.m. (Pre-SHOW reception is 5:30 p.m.).

Sit down. Getta grip. I'll lay this on you as gently as possible: Italian-American gangster films did not begin on the Jersey shore with "The Sopranos." The origin of the species is not  "Saturday Night Fever." Or "Married to the Mob."  Or "Casino." Or, god help us, the reality TV show "Jersey Shore," that so artfully extols the virtues of shellacked hair, boobs, bad language, and barfing. Or even Scorsese's "Goodfellas."

Awesome Opals Editor's note:  The astrological signs of October are Libra (September 23 –October 22) and Scorpio (October 23 – November 21). For what's happening in the stars, see Cynthia Zehm's weekly Alacazem. But celestial bodies are not all that shines: the birthstone of the month is opal. To romance the stone, see Telluride Inside... and Out's newest  monthly column, Birthstones, from Dolce.

It is altogether fitting and proper that our birthstone column launches with a riff on opals because Dolce's owner and Telluride local Beau Staley has a personal history with the stone.

In 1989, Beau spent his summer break from college working for Nagalle Designs, a company founded and run by Dolce artist, sculptor James Vilona and once a dominant force in inlaid jewelry manufacturing. Nagalle built its fine reputation on its designs incorporating the coveted Australian opal. Beau wound up taking over Nagalle from James so that James could work full time on his art.  By the time Beau sold Nagalle hinself, he had built a reputation as a power player in the wholesale marketing of this precious stone.

 October 7 to 14, 2010     Visible Planets: Morning: none Evening: Venus, Mars and Jupiter

Fresh Starts and New Beginnings in Relationships

Libra The Libra zodiac month is the time of year for pairing and sharing. And the Libra lunar cycle – which begins with the yearly advent of the Libra New Moon – pinpoints the most fertile and favorable astrological period for fresh starts and new beginnings in relationships. In 2010, this lunation takes place on Oct. 7th @ 12:44 p.m., when the Sun and Moon align in the heavens at 14º24’ Libra. It is here - when the cosmos takes its monthly momentary metaphysical pause between death and rebirth, old and new - that the celestial world is reborn. The cosmic wheel turns and invisible doors open to the unlimited possibility and potential of our ever-expanding Universe. And it is here that we are also encouraged to take pause, mark our station, breathe deep and exhale just as deeply.

Jack&carolyn The process of inspiration and expiration – in and out, give and take – is what the Libra lunation is all about. It’s time to take a good, long look at what we are putting out in the world – ideas, words, thoughts, emotions and feelings, actual physical acts and material contributions, actions of good intent or questionable intention, selfish desires or motives of service, kindness and compassion? What is your present state of mind and spiritual condition? How about your energy quotient? What do you see in others? Do you see basic goodness or basic badness in the world at large? Notice the power of attitude and how strongly attitudes affect the behaviors of others. And what about the relationship you have with yourself? Are you kind and gentle, loving and self-nurturing or judgmental, harsh and critical when it comes to looking in the mirror of self-reflection? And – perhaps most significant now - how do you feel about the people and circumstances of your most committed and important relationships?

[click "Play", Ashley Deppen talks about ballet flats]     Telluride's Two Skirts wants to leave you flat – on your feet. Ashley Deppen is talking about ballet flats for this week's installment of Fashion Friday."Feminine, flirty, fantastic...

Salt_smallteaser Inception_smallimax Telluride's Nugget Theatre has two movies on the bill for the week of Friday, October 8-Thursday, October 14: "Salt", rated PG 13, and "Inception", also PG 13.

"Inception" is a repeat, a story about industrial espionage in which a clever spy must plant an idea in the mind of a company principal, and the victim must believe that idea is his own.

Angelina Jolie is a CIA agent on the run in "Salt"; on the run because she has been fingered as a rogue agent, and must use all her skills to stay ahead of her fellows. Staying ahead means using her abilities to run down an elevator shaft by bouncing off the side walls, for example. According to the critics, she makes it believable.

See below for movie times, and the Nugget website for reviews and trailers.

CARN02-27 Sponsored by the Telluride Council for the Arts and Humanities, the First Thursday Art Walk is a once-a-month opportunity for galleries, studios, and retail stores to strut their considerable stuff. The meet-and-greet takes place all day until 8 p.m. October 7 marks the final Art Walk of the 2010 season. Among the venues not to miss:

Telluride Gallery of Fine Art, 130 E. Colorado Avenue, hosts an artists' reception, 5:30 – 7 p.m. featuring encaustic artists Rebecca Crowell and Shawna Moore, and includes a wine tasting with Wine Mine at Pacific Street Liquors.

Stronghouse Studios, 283 South Fir Street, is pleased to host an opening reception for painter Meredith Nemirov. "Walking Among the Trees: Mapping the Aspen, is a body of work the artist created during her residency at the Vermont Studio Center. Later this month, the Tuesday and Wednesday, October 19  – October 20, 6 – 9 p.m., the artist leads a course at Ah Haa: "Georgia O'Keefe in Watercolors."

by Erik Dalton


View towards Lizard Head The Hope Lake trail starts and ends in the Trout Lake area just southeast of Telluride.  I regard this hike as a classic in the fall because of the sweeping views it provides looking out towards the Lizard Head Wilderness and the Wilson Range of 14ers.  Hope Lake is also off the beaten path and a little harder to get to, so if you are looking for some solitude, it can usually be found in the high country surrounding Hope Lake.

To find Hope Lake trailhead, drive out Hwy. 145 past Ophir and turn left at the Trout Lake Road. You parallel the lake for a while before making another left on Trout Lake Road #626, which is well marked.  It's approximately a 10-minute drive from this turn to the trailhead for Hope Lake, which is easily found and marked with a large sign and accompanying map.  Be sure to bring a lunch or some snacks, as this hike is an out-and-back that leads you into the high country and offers some great spots for stopping to smell the roses – rather, wild flowers.

[click "Play" to hear Charlotte Jorgensen's conversation with Susan]



1__#$!@%!#__unknown October 7 marks the Telluride Council for the Arts & Humanities' final First Thursday Art Walk of the 2010 season. The popular day-long event is a chance for Telluride to flaunt its robust fine art scene. It is also a meet-and-greet for locals and guests: galleries, stores and studios stay open late until 8 p.m.

(The free Art Walk brochure is available at participating venues, hotels, and coffee shops and includes a self-guided map. Or go to http://www.telluridearts.org/humanities.html.)

[click "Play", Meredith Nemirov speaks with Susan]



Nemirovposter2010 Meredith Nemirov is a familiar name in the Telluride region. But the artist is also on the national radar. Nemirov has shown her work at the Brooklyn Museum, Yeshiva University Museum, The American Museum of Immigration and more. There have been more recent shows in Denver, both at the airport and at the Red Line Gallery.

In 2008, Meredith Nemirov was awarded a residency at the world-famous Anderson Ranch outside Aspen. In April 2010, a grant enabled her to spend a month as Artist in Residence at the prestigious Vermont Studio Center, a kind of think tank for artists of all persuasions, including painters, sculptors, print-makers, and photographers, 50 in all, who live in this artistic community and work in private studios. While in Vermont, without the pressure of having to produce yet another major one-person show, Nemirov created the very mixed body of work that will be on display Thursday, October 7, at the Stronghouse Studios, 283 South Fir, for the October Art Walk.