11 Aug Gone Phishing (in Telluride Town Park)

Here're a few things you need to know about Phish phans:
#1. They are nice people, who smile and look you in the eye as they eagerly answer any and all questions about their favorite band.
#2. They are smart and articulate. (See quotes in related post)
#3. Many Phish phans are pregnant. Which may or may not have anything to do with the band, except for the fact it is evident the music turns them on.
#5. They are anything but dirt bags and tight wads locals were told to expect. Quite the contrary. Capella Telluride was booked solid as was The Peaks and the New Sheridan. One estimate is the Phish crowd would add $2 million to the region's piggy bank. Caviar anyone?
#6. Their dress code favors jeans, T shirts, clunky boots, baubles, bangles, beads – and glow necklaces made from glow sticks. Call them Phish Sticks because they are ubiquitous. Stacks of glow sticks look like psychedelic spaghetti. Stacks of glow necklaces look like slinkies on amanita muscaria. When these colorful glow necklaces got tossed across the Park, the scene was straight out of "Avatar."
#7. Phish phans know the words of every song. A Phish concert is a sing-along.
#8. And they smoke prodigiously. Normally we enjoy smoked Phish, but not stuff that smells like crap and turns your lungs to sludge. The aromatic stuff? Rhymes with contact high.
#9. You forgive them #8 because of #1.
We entered the park as Phish virgins. We existed happy and satisfied, as much from the vibe as the sound and light show.
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