Sam Bush Tuesday on Telluride Inside… and Out, 7/27/2010
This week’s episode of Sam Bush TV provides a continuation of the Sam Bush Interview Series. The third installment of the...
This week’s episode of Sam Bush TV provides a continuation of the Sam Bush Interview Series. The third installment of the...
Integrated Design Workshop #3, "Practical Applications of Tools & Methods,” takes place Friday, July 30, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Telluride's Wilkinson Public Library Program Room, 100 W. Pacific Ave. The event is hosted by The New Community Coalition (TNCC), with support from the Governor’s Energy Office ENERGY STAR New Homes grant program. Guest presenters are James Pittman, a whole systems designer, consultant, and educator, and Eugene Wowk, architect and owner of Wowk Design, LLC.
It's been a busy week in Telluride, capped by a get-together among friends last night: good food, good wine, good conversation. As a result, Susan and I slept in a bit this morning. I was just getting ready to take Gina the Dog out for her morning walk. Susan, checking email: "Susan Dalton wants to know if we want to join her and Bettie Hastings for a hike up at Lizard Head. Maybe see if we can find some early mushrooms?"
Sounded better than whatever I had in mind, so I agreed. There was still time to get Gina out for a short walk, and start the Sunday morning chores. Soon Susan picked us up, then stopped to get Bettie, and in a few more minutes we were out of the car at the Cross Mountain trailhead, and on our way, Gina the Dog happy to be leading the pack.
Telluride Jazz Celebration impresario Paul Machado likes to push the jazz envelope, often inviting guests whose music, is not, strictly speaking "jazz." That is unless you define jazz as a labyrinth of styles, sounds and rhythms summed up in a one syllable word.
Many years ago, in another incarnation,Telluride Inside...
[click "Play" to hear Jackie Ryan's "Doozy"]
The sun will shine on the 34th annual Telluride Jazz Celebration – at least when vocalist Jackie Ryan steps onstage.
July 22 to 29, 2010 Visible Planets: Morning: Jupiter Evening: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn
Summer Eclipse Cycles, Lion-Hearted Love and Evolutionary Fellowship On Sunday, July 25th @ 7:37 p.m. MDT, the July 11th New Moon solar eclipse cycle comes to fruition in the opposition aspect of a Full Moon. This lunation takes place in the Leo/Aquarius polarity @ 03º00’ and therefore packs plenty of power when it comes to matters of the heart.
Taken from a book of that name written by Sir Thomas More in 1516, "Utopia" defines an ideal society. Like Shangri-La – or Telluride.
They're boxy. And they are big. In the fashion trend sense.Telluride Inside... and Out's fashion expert Kristin Holbrook of Two Skirts is talking about the small satchel. So move over large totes and hobos. Make way for the boxy, flap silhouette with the ultra long strap, petite purses that suggest a modern edge and ladylike elegance.