Fashion Friday: Red, White & Blue – or not

Fashion Friday: Red, White & Blue – or not

[click “Play” for Kristin Holbrook’s take on what to wear for Independence Day]

DSC00292 Telluride Inside…and Out’s fashionista Kristin Holbrook of Two Skirts gets it: Telluride is throwing a party to celebrate our nation’s independence and, per usual, the big question on the table is what to wear. For sure, you are patriotic, but what if dressing up like a flag is not your thing? What if red, white, et cetera gives you the blues?

Click and “play” button and listen to Kristin’s interview for answers about what to wear, especially if the logical choice is not your answer, and what not to wear or for that matter, what to wear by day and what to change into to set off your own fireworks at night.
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