Ah Haa Auction Moment with Julee Hutchison

Ah Haa Auction Moment with Julee Hutchison

by Lauren Metzger, Marketing & Exhibition Manager
Ah Haa School for the Arts

[click “Play for Lauren’s interview with Julee Hutchison]

Julee_hutchison_web For the last two years, July has also brought a crazy overload of excitement and energy for me in the form of…the Ah Haa Art Auction. Now in it’s 18th year, this local extravaganza is part of my job description.

As the Ah Haa School’s largest and most important fundraiser, I am in charge of securing art for the live and silent portions of this one day event, as well as marketing, of course. This year I am once again amazed by the tremendous amount of support our community has for the Ah Haa School. The money raised in this one evening keeps our doors open for another year by covering operational costs that allow us to offer a wide variety programs and workshops.

We have a fantastic live auction lineup this year of over 16 items, including local favorite, painter Julee Hutchison. Julee has created a piece specifically for the auction, Hitching a Ride, a 20 x 17″ oil on canvas painting depicting one of her much loved cows. Once again, Julee has captured the playfulness and calm beauty of these large creatures, reminding us that beauty can be found in everyday forms. 

Her painting, as well as the other Ah Haa live auction items, can be viewed and even bid on at www.biddingforgood.com/ahhaa. We thought we’d give people the chance to preview the auction’s live works and even bid in case you are not able to attend this one of a kind Telluride event. For all you that will be here, I can’t wait to celebrate ARTOPIA with you on Friday July 23, 2010. 

Stay tuned for more live artist interviews and auction coverage on Telluride Inside… and Out.

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