Fashion Friday: Rose gold

Fashion Friday: Rose gold

[click “Play” for Kristin Holbrook’s thoughts on rose gold]

DSC00283 According to Telluride Inside… and Out’s fashionista, Kristin Holbrook of Two Skirts, all that glitters this season is not gold – at least not yellow gold. A new metallic is flashing its soft light this spring and summer: rose gold.

Rose gold was first popularized a century ago. Now rose gold is showing up again in watches, engagement rings, and necklaces But it’s more than a bling thing: you will find rose gold in shoes and accessories too.

Rose gold, the metal, also known as “pink gold,” gets its color from being mixed with copper. Rose gold, the color, is the perfect complement to the frilly shades and neutrals in vogue now. Want to know more?

Click the “play” button and listen to Kristin’s podcast of the week.

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