An Ah Haa Moment with Laura Kudo

An Ah Haa Moment with Laura Kudo

[click “Play” to hear Lauren Metzger’s debut effort podcasting with Telluride Inside… and Out.]

by Lauren Metzger
Marketing & Exhibitions Director
Ah Haa School for the Arts

IMG_5431 If you are anything like me, you go into every journey gung-ho on documenting the amazing and crazy experiences you will have; the sights, the smells, the people, the food…I last about 3 days of journaling my thoughts and observations in a small book before it becomes boring and confining. So when Laura Kudo, traveler extraordinare, proposed a travel journaling 2-night workshop at the Ah Haa School, I was first in line to sign up.

Excited to work with like minded travelers, I am ready to create a process that will satisfy my short attention span AND my creativity. This unique Ah Haa class will explore new approaches to journallng and help create a plan of action for our next trip, ensuring that what we document will reflect the unique adventure. Friends and family will actually enjoy your show and tell and thank you for retiring the boring slideshows and albums.

Bring your wunderlust and creativity to Laura Kudo’s Mixed Media Travel Journaling Workshop at the Ah Haa School on June 29 and 30, Tuesday & Wednesday evenings from  5 – 7PM.  Bon voyage!

(Editor’s note: Lauren was apologetic for the minor operator glitch at the end of her podcast. She needn’t have been. The photo is an irreverant entry from my own notebook by way of illustration.)

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