An Ah Haa Moment with Brooke Ahana

An Ah Haa Moment with Brooke Ahana

by Lauren Metzger
Marketing & Exhibitions Manager
Ah Haa School for the Arts

[click “Play” to hear Lauren’s conversation with Brooke Ahana]



Every now and then, if you are lucky, people come into your life who inspire you. Brooke Ahana is one of those people for me. She reminds me to have fun. Fun in life. In my work. In painting.

As a Los Angeles artist, Brooke Ahana has been leaving the big city and spending her last 7 summers in Telluride, CO inspiring kids and adults alike at the Ah Haa School for the Arts. An impassioned visiting artist instructor, Brooke teaches a variety of workshops for kids of all ages. From Portraits with Personality to Abstract Expressionism, Brooke covers the gamut and pushes her students to learn, explore and believe in their creativity (a woman after our own Ah Haa heart).

As a huge fan of her work and classes, I am proud to announce that Brooke will be our featured artist in the Daniel Tucker Gallery from July 1 through the 16th. The show reflects her freedom, love of life and obviously, her talent. A retrospective of her work from 1996 to the present, you will be surrounded by abstracts, birds and of course a colorful variety of fabulous female portraits. Don’t miss the chance to experience the life and color of Brooke’s work. It might just inspire you to dive into your own creative life!

Brooke teaches weekly kids camps through the end of August and the following adult workshops:

Honor Thy Art July 15   |  one day  |  Thursday  |  6 – 9PM           
Create your very own Medal of Honor! This is a wonderful way to combine various textures and found objects into a cohesive whole to proudly wear on a sweater or jacket. We will use wire wrapping, hand-stitching, special glues and rhinestone setters with various materials all combined in a visually artistic and appealing fashion. Bring odds and ends including ribbons, chains, trinkets, heirlooms, junk jewelry, paper, wire etc. 

Abstract-Expressionist Painting July 10  |  Saturday  |  10AM – 3PM  |  $145
A workshop where the focus will be to reach our inner-most depths of creativity. Freeing ourselves from the subject, students will explore multiple uses for acrylic paint, graphite and other media by tuning into emotion and focusing on texture, color, line, space and painterly technique.

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