Maitri releases CD of Indian yoga mantras

Maitri releases CD of Indian yoga mantras

[click “Play” to listen to Laurie Madison about her CD]

Laurie - Squat-BW It is not a stretch to think of Telluride Inside… and Out as an exhale, the direct result of 17 years of inhaling – and covering for the local daily –  Telluride’s considerable cultural zazz. It is thanks to Viniyoga I learned how to manipulate my breath to create different energetic, transformative effects.

Laurie Madison, who hails from Nelson, British Columbia, was one of many wonderful people I met over a two-year course of study with Gary Kraftsow to become a certified Viniyoga instructor. (We both completed the program August 2009.)

Laurie, who has been teaching yoga for 28 years – Viniyoga is her latest and most comprehensive certification – comes from a musical family, and so the  idea of externalizing her intention through mantra and chanting felt as natural as breathing. The result: “Maitri”, a recording of an eclectic mix of Indian yoga mantras wedded to Western slide guitar, jazz and world fusion, in a (successful) attempt to make the ancient Vedic hymns/sacred utterances more accessible to the Western ear.

Yoga wisdom teaches that mantras and sound in general facilitate seismic changes in the human mind-body, for starters, by deepening attention. “Maitri” is now at top of the list of chanting CDs I use to transform my physical and intensify my internal space for personal practice.

“Maitri” is available through

To find out more about how “Maitri” came about, click the “play” button and listen to Laurie Madison’s podcast.

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