Fashion Thursday: Champagne chic

Fashion Thursday: Champagne chic

[click “Play” to hear Kristen Holbrook’s take on what to wear New Year’s Eve]

RAJ10048_CU2 RAJ20022_RAJ10048back It’s two down, one to go. Telluride Inside… and Out’s fashionista Kristin Holbrook of Two Skirts is all about helping you cross the finish line of the holiday trifecta in high style. (That’s why Fashion Friday comes a day early this week.)

New Year’s Eve 2009 not only signals the end of a really gnarly year, but also the end of a decade. (Remember the Millenium, an historical Edsel if there ever was one? Where did you park all your Y2-K survival gear?) Sartorially speaking, this is the one night a year you get a free pass to go for broke. But where to begin?This season has been all about accessories: bib necklaces, clutches, tights, even blazers. How to put it all together to sparkle plenty – but without looking like yesterday’s Christmas tree?

Listen to Kristin’s podcast for clues about cork-popping couture.

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